DTXMania Sound Settings

DTXMania can use 4 types of sound output way... WASAPI(Exclusive), WASAPI(Shared), ASIO and DSound. (You can choose it at CONFIGURATION/System/Sound Option/SoundType)

By default, the below value is selected.

  • WASAPI(Shared)... if you're using Windows10
  • WASAPI(Exclusive) ... if you're using WIndows Vista - Windows8.1,

Here are characteristics of them.

  • WASAPI(Exclusive)
    • Feature:
      OS Standard feature (in Windows Vista and later) which can be used to reduce sound output lag. The application will hold the audio device exclusively, so in many cases other apps (broadcast app etc) can't use the sound.

    • Requirements:
      No (if you're using Windows Vista or later)

    • Buffer settings (output lag settings)
      The buffer size will be set at CONFIGURATION/System/WASAPIBufSize. The value straightforward means the buffer size (milliseconds). If you set it to 0, DTXMania will automatically set the smallest value which can be set. If you set it to 1 or bigger, the value will be handled as "desired value" which the user want to set, then the system will determine the real buffer size which will be equal or bigger than that value. The result will be shown at titlebar of DTXMania window.
      The default value is 50(ms). That is decided for poor-CPU machine (tablet, etc), but it's too big (too-laggy) for the general PC. So you should customize the value to the smaller one (as long as it doesn't affect to other processes). It's so-so result to achieve 10-40ms lag (buffer size) by settings WASAPIBufSize=10-20. (But personally I feel pain over 20ms lags...)
      In case you use USB-connected sound device, it's very hard to reduce the buffer size (maybe the minimum value will be 30ms-), and also CPU load become high. Motherboard-internal-sound-device or PCIex-connected-sound-device are recommended.
      BTW, the buffer size could be more smaller by setting CONFIGURATION/System/Sound Settings/WASAPI Event Driven=ON, but CPU load will be increased.
  • WASAPI (Shared)
    • Feature:
      OS Standard feature (in Windows 7 and later) which can be used to reduce sound output lag. The sound device will be shared with other application, so this settings doesn't prevent using sound to other apps.
      Before Windows 7, the result of reducing lag is a little. In Windows 10, the lag will be around 10ms.

    • Requirements:
      No (if you're using Windows 7 or later)

    • Buffer settings (output lag settings):
      The "Buffer refresh period" is set to CONFIGURATION/System/Sound Option/WASAPIBufSize. (Note: it does NOT mean the buffer size!)
      The value 2-4 is equal to the buffer size 10ms. If 0 is set, DTXMania will automatically set the smallest value which can be set.
      Below are the same as WASAPI(Exclusive): It's so-so result to achieve 10-40ms lag (buffer size) by settings WASAPIBufSize=10-20. (But personally I feel pain over 20ms lags...)
      USB-connected sound device tend to become big buffer size so Motherboard-internal-sound-device or PCIex-connected-sound-device are recommended, CONFIGURATION/System/Sound Settings/WASAPI Event Driven=ON will bring you smaller lag.
  • ASIO
    • Feature:
      ASIO feature is designed to reduce output sound lag. ASIO is supported by middle-or-high grade audio card. The application will hold the audio device exclusively, so in many cases other apps (broadcast app etc) can't use the sound.

    • Requirements:
      If your sound device support ASIO, you can use ASIO way by DTXMania. (You can also use it on Windows XP)
      In case your sound device doesn't support ASIO, try to use ASIO4ALL to use ASIO...(but it is not recommended)

    • Buffer settings (output lag settings):
      DTXMania can't set buffer size for ASIO. You can set it by utility software attached to the sound device. (If you use ASIO4ALL,"ASIO4ALL v2 Off-Line Settings" can set it, but please note you must change ASIO4ALL install option to install it.)
  • DSound (To be exact, DirectSound)
    • Feature:
      OS Standard feature. Before XP, very small output lag. But After Vista, the lag become very big (you can reduce lag by using REAL) Low CPU load is the advantage of DSound.

    • Requirements:
      No. (Obsolescent in future DTXMania)

    • Buffer settings (output lag settings):
      No settings.

Note In case you user WASAPI or ASIO, DTXMania uses high CPU load to mix the sounds. (DTXMania author is still trying very very long time to reduce the load....) On the other hand, in case using DSound, the CPU load is very low.