[tomoyo-users-en 728] exception policy: aggregator behavior

Manuel Bessler manue****@gmail*****
Thu Mar 19 23:29:12 JST 2020


I'm trying to make use of the aggregator feature but either I'm
misunderstanding it or using it wrong...

For example I would like to treat /bin/bash, /bin/dash, and /bin/sh
the same, both for shell scripts and esp. for interactive shells.
So I put this into my exception policy:
aggregator /bin/bash /bin/sh
aggregator /bin/dash /bin/sh

And in my domain policy reference things just be by /bin/sh, eg:
<kernel> /usr/sbin/sshd /bin/sh
<kernel> /bin/sh /usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh
<kernel> /bin/sh

I was hoping that would work whether a user's shell is bash, dash, or sh.
However, it does not work, ssh'ing in as a user with shell /bin/bash
is not allowed until I explicitly allow
<kernel> /usr/sbin/sshd /bin/bash

I'm using Tomoyo 2.5.


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