[tomoyo-users-en 461] Re: Delete policy line API

Bhargava Shastry bshas****@gmail*****
Tue Feb 14 17:55:43 JST 2012

> Yes, there is.
> If you give lines like "delete file read ..." to ccs-loadpolicy -d,
> "file read ..." access permissions will be revoked.

Thanks. But is there a more efficient way of deleting all access control
rules associated with a file with a single delete command? Lets say
/data/app1/file1.txt has a file read policy line and a file write policy
line and that when file1.txt is deleted, we would like to purge all policy
lines associated with the file. Does TOMOYO's internal data structures
contain a mapping of file to access control rights which can later be
purged on delete?

Bhargava Shastry
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