[Galatea-i18n] DMCPP: development of another dialog manager


Takuya Nishimoto nishi****@gmail*****
Wed Jun 16 22:53:22 JST 2010

Dear galatea-i18n and galatea-users members,

An experimental dialog manager of Galatea for Linux,
using lib-julius and OpenCV, written in C++, is under development.
The project is focusing on the low-level multimodal event handling,
while Galatea Dialog Studio is focusing on higher-level
dialog management using VoiceXML.
Although current version is just the skeleton of applications,
I would like to ask for feedback from the developers.

http://en.nishimotz.com/project:dmcpp (English)
http://ja.nishimotz.com/project:dmcpp  (Japanese)

Best regards,
Takuya Nishimoto

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