

Translating and Customizing CUPS

テンプレート、イメージ、メッセージカタログを大いに使ったおかげで、 CUPSは簡単にあなたのご要望通りに翻訳(さらに言うとカスタマイズも)できちゃいます。 このヘルプファイルでは、CUPSのローカライゼーションファイルについて説明していきます。

Thanks to its extensive use of templates, images, and message catalogs, CUPS can be easily translated (or customized!) to suit your needs. This help file will guide you through the CUPS localization files so you can get the most out of it.


Getting Started

まず、www.cups.orgからCUPSのソースファイルをダウンロードすることから始めましょう。 ソースアーカイブからファイルをとりだしたら、以下のファイルとディレクトリをコピーしてください。

Start by downloading the CUPS source code from www.cups.org. After you extract the files from the source archive, you will want to copy the following files and directories:

  • desktop/cups.desktop - the GNOME/KDE desktop file pointing to the CUPS web interface
  • doc/index.html - the web interface home page
  • locale/cups.pot - the message catalog
  • templates/*.tmpl - the web interface template files


With the exception of the message catalogs and desktop file, localization files are placed in subdirectories under the doc and templates using the locale name. Locale names are either ll or ll_CC, where "ll" is the 2-letter language code and "CC" is the 2-letter country code. CUPS does not currently use or support the newer ll-region syntax for locale names.


All non-image files must be encoded using the UTF-8 character set.


Submitting a Translation for CUPS


To submit a translation for inclusion in CUPS, translate the desktop file, all of the template files, the index.html.in file, and the message catalog. Place these files in the correct subdirectories in the CUPS source code archive and run the following command to create an archive with your files:

tar cvf ll_CC.tar.gz desktop/cups.desktop doc/ll_CC \
    locale/cups_ll_CC.po templates/ll_CC

"ll_CC" はあなたの翻訳のロケール名に読み替えます。一度、アーカイブを作ったら、CUPS BUGS & Featuresページに行き、翻訳をつけたバグレポートを提出してください。

Replace "ll_CC" with the locale name for your translation. Once you have created the archive, go to the CUPS Bugs & Features page and submit a bug report, attaching the translation to the report.


The Desktop File


The desktop/cups.desktop file provides a link to the CUPS web interface from desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE. To translate this file, add two lines to the bottom with the Name and Comment keys:

Name[ll_CC]=Translation of "Manage Printing"
Comment[ll_CC]=Translation of "CUPS Web Interface"


The Home Page

index.htmlファイルはユーザーが http://localhost:631/ をアクセスしたときに表示される完全なHTMLファイルです。現在の doc/index.htmlを編集して、doc/ll_CCサブディレクトリにそいつをセーブすると、makefileでそれをインストールすることができます。docサブディレクトリ内で"make install"を実行すると、新しいホームページをテストすることができます。


>「翻訳作業の手引きの翻訳 」を見ながらちょっとやってみたところ、ホームページ部分のインストール方法が違うようです。

make install で doc/ll_CCサブディレクトリ もインストールすることになっていますが、実際には、 make install-languages としないとだめでした。 #他と同様にMakedefsのLANGUAGESにjaを追加する必要があります。 #./configureするまえに、cups_ja.poを作っておくと自動で入ります。

The index.html file is a complete HTML file that is displayed when the user visits "http://localhost:631/". Edit the existing doc/index.html and save it in the doc/ll_CC subdirectory so that the makefile can install it. Run "make install" in the doc subdirectory to test the new home page.


Message Catalogs

メッセージカタログはGNU gettextの ".po" 形式のテキストファイルで、CUPSソフトウェアにローカライズされたメッセージ文字列のリストを提供するものです。メッセージカタログのファイル名はcups_ll.poもしくはcups_ll_CC.poとなっていて、ここでllとCCは言語と国の2文字の短縮形です。

新しいメッセージカタログを翻訳するときは、CUPSソースコードのロケールサブディレクトリ中のメッセージカタログファイル cups.pot をコピーします。例えば、カナダフレンチのメッセージカタログの翻訳を始めるときには、以下のコマンドを打ち込みます。

CUPS message catalogs are GNU gettext ".po" text files that provide a list of localized message strings for the CUPS software. Message catalogs are named cups_ll.po or cups_ll_CC.po, where "ll" is the standard 2-letter abbreviation for the language and "CC" is the standard 2-letter abbreviation for the country.

When translating a new message catalog, copy the cups.pot message catalog file in the locale subdirectory of the CUPS source code. For example, to start translating the message catalog to Canadian French, you would type the following commands:

cd locale
cp cups.pot cups_fr_CA.po


Alternatively, you can copy the existing cups_fr.po message catalog and then make any necessary changes.


Once you have make your copy of the file, edit it using your favorite text editor or translation program to translate the text to the desired language.


Then validate your translation using the locale/checkpo utility:

cd locale
./checkpo cups_ll_CC.po

翻訳中のエラーを修正したら、Makefefsファイルの中のLANGUAGES変数にあなたのロケールを追加して、localeサブディレクトリ中で "make install" コマンドを実行して翻訳をテストしましょう。

After fixing any errors in your translation, add your locale to the LANGUAGES variable in the Makedefs file and run the "make install" command in the locale subdirectory to test the translation.


Template Files


The CUPS scheduler provides a web interface that can be used to do many common printing and administration tasks. The built-in web server supports localization of web pages through the use of subdirectories for each locale, e.g. "fr" for French, "de" for German, "fr_ca" for French in Canada, and so forth.

テンプレートファイルはHTMLファイルですが、特別のフォーマット用文字を使って変数と配列の置換ができるようになっています。CUPSのCGIプログラム (admin.cgi, classes.cgi, help.cgi, jobs.cgi, and printers.cgi) はこれらのテンプレートファイルを使って、ウェブインタフェースに動的にコンテンツ生成して提供しています。テンプレートファイルはデフォルトでは/usr/share/cups/templatesディレクトリにインストールされます。テーブル2はテンプレートファイルとその目的のリストを示しています。

Template files are HTML files with special formatting characters in them that allow substition of variables and arrays. The CUPS CGI programs (admin.cgi, classes.cgi, help.cgi, jobs.cgi, and printers.cgi) use these template file to provide dynamic content for the web interface. Template files are installed in the /usr/share/cups/templates directory by default. Table 2 lists the various template files and their purpose.

翻訳版のテンプレートファイルはtemplate/ll_CCサブディレクトリに保存します。例えば、カナディアンフレンチのテンプレートファイルはtemplates/fr_CAサブディレクトリに保存します。すべてのテンプレートの翻訳が終わったら、MakedefsファイルのLANGUAGES変数にロケールを追加して、"make install"をtemplateのサブディレクトリで実行したら、翻訳のテストを行うことができます。

Translated versions of the template files should be saved in the templates/ll_CC subdirectory. For example, Canadian French template files should be saved in the templates/fr_CA subdirectory. After you have translated all of the templates, add the locale to the LANGUAGES variable in the Makedefs file and run "make install" in the templates subdirectory to test the translation.

Table 2: Web Interface Template Files

add-class.tmplThis is the initial form that is shown to add a new printer class.
add-printer.tmplThis is the initial form that is shown to add a new printer.
add-rss-subscription.tmplThis is the form that is shown to add a new RSS subscription.
admin.tmplThis is the main administration page.
choose-device.tmplThis is the form that shows the list of available devices.
choose-make.tmplThis is the form that shows the list of available manufacturers.
choose-model.tmplThis is the form that shows the list of available printer models/drivers.
choose-serial.tmplThis is the form that allows the user to choose a serial port and any options.
choose-uri.tmplThis is the form that allows the user to enter a device URI for network printers.
class-added.tmplThis template shows the "class added" message.
class-confirm.tmplThis is the template used to confirm the deletion of a class.
class-deleted.tmplThis template shows the "class deleted" message.
class-jobs-header.tmplThis template shows the "jobs" header for jobs in a class.
class-modified.tmplThis template shows the "class modified" message.
classes.tmplThis template shows one or more printer classes.
classes-header.tmplThis template shows the "showing N of M classes" header in the class list.
edit-config.tmplThis is the cupsd.conf editor page.
error.tmplThis template displays a generic error message.
error-op.tmplThis is the "unknown operation" error page.
header.tmplThis template is used as the standard header on all dynamic content.
help-header.tmplThis is the top part of the help page.
help-printable.tmplThis is the standard page header for the printable version of help files.
job-cancel.tmplThis template shows "job canceled".
job-hold.tmplThis template shows "job held".
job-move.tmplThis template shows the move-job form.
job-moved.tmplThis template shows "job moved".
job-release.tmplThis template shows "job released".
job-restart.tmplThis template shows "job reprinted".
jobs.tmplThis template is used to list the print jobs on a server, class, or printer.
jobs-header.tmplThis template shows the "showing N or M jobs" header in the jobs list.
list-available-printers.tmplThis template shows a list of new printers that have been found.
maintenance.tmplThis template shows "maintenance commands sent".
modify-class.tmplThis template is used as the first form when modifying a class.
modify-printer.tmplThis template is used as the first form when modifying a printer.
norestart.tmplThis template shows "server not restarted because no changes were made to the configuration".
option-boolean.tmplThis template is used to select a boolean PPD option.
option-conflict.tmplThis template shows the conflicting options.
option-header.tmplThis template is used to start a PPD option group.
option-pickmany.tmplThis template is used to select a multi-valued PPD option.
option-pickone.tmplThis template is used to select a single-valued PPD option.
option-trailer.tmplThis template is used to end a PPD option group.
pager.tmplThis template shows the previous/next pager bar.
printer-accept.tmplThis template shows "printer now accepting jobs".
printer-added.tmplThis template shows "printer added".
printer-configured.tmplThis template shows "printer configured".
printer-confirm.tmplThis template asks the user to confirm the deletion of a printer.
printer-default.tmplThis template shows "default printer set".
printer-deleted.tmplThis template shows "printer deleted".
printer-jobs-header.tmplThis templates shows the "jobs" header for jobs on a printer.
printer-modified.tmplThis template shows "printer modified".
printer-purge.tmplThis template shows "printer has been purged of all jobs".
printer-reject.tmplThis template shows "printer now rejecting jobs".
printer-start.tmplThis template shows "printer started".
printer-stop.tmplThis template shows "printer stopped".
printers.tmplThis template is used to list information on one or more printers.
printers-header.tmplThis template shows the "showing printer N of M" header in the printers list.
restart.tmplThis template shows "server restarting".
samba-export.tmplThis template shows the export printers to Samba form.
samba-exported.tmplThis template shows "printers exported to Samba".
search.tmplThis template shows the search form.
set-printer-options-header.tmplThis template shows the first part of the set printer options form.
set-printer-options-trailer.tmplThis template shows the last part of the set printer options form.
subscription-added.tmplThis template shows "subscription xyz added".
subscription-canceled.tmplThis template shows "subscription #NNN canceled".
test-page.tmplThis template shows "test page printed".
trailer.tmplThis template is used as the standard trailer on all dynamic content.
users.tmplThis template shows the set allowed users form.


Inserting Attributes and Values


中カッコ("{"と"}")は置換を示し、バックスラッシュ("\")文字は引用を示します。これらの特殊文字をそのままの形で含めるにはHTMLの &name; メカニズムを使うか、特殊文字の前にバックスラッシュ("\")を付加します。


変数名が未定義の場合に空文字列に置換するには、{?名前} を代りに指定してください。

Template files consist of HTML with variable substitutions for named inside curley braces "{name}". Variable names are generally the IPP attribute names with the hyphen ("-") replaced by the underscore ("_") character. For example, the job-printer-uri attribute is renamed to job_printer_uri.

Curley braces ("{" and "}") to indicate substitutions, and the backslash ("\") character for quoting. To insert any of these special characters as-is you need to use the HTML &name; mechanism or prefix each special character with the backslash ("\".)

You substitute the value of a variable using {NAME} in your template file. If the variable is undefined then the {NAME} string is output as-is.

To substitute an empty string if the variable is undefined, use {?NAME} instead.


Array Substitutions



配列は、セクションの開始を {[名前] で指定し、} で終了することで扱います。閉じカギカッコ("]")と閉じ中カッコ("}")の間に挟まれた情報は名前あり配列の中で要素分だけ繰り返されます。

The number of array elements can be inserted using {#NAME}. If the array is undefined then 0 is output. The current array element (starting at 1) is inserted with {#}.

Arrays are handled using {[NAME] at the beginning of a section and } at the end. The information between the closing bracket ("]") and closing brace ("}") is repeated for as many elements as are in the named array. For example, the following template will display a list of each job in the job_id array:

	<TH>Job ID</TH>


配列はネストすることができますが、中カッコ ("{" と "}") に囲まれたすべての要素はもっとも内側の配列を使ってインデックスされます。

Arrays can be nested, however all elements within the curley braces ("{" and "}") are indexed using the innermost array.


Conditional Tests

テンプレートでは特定の値と条件付きでテンプレートにインクルードされるテキストに対して、変数のテストを行うこともできます。( ̄ー ̄?).....??

Templates can also test variables against specific values and conditionally include text in the template. The format is:


ここでは true のときはtrueに指定されたテキストが、falseのときにはfalseに指定されたテキストが挿入されます。# の値は現在の要素の番号(1で始まる)に置換されます。変数名の後の文字はテストするコンディションを指定しています。表3では使うことのできるコンディションを示しています。

where true is the text that is included if the condition is true and false is the text that is included if the condition is false. A value of # is replaced with the current element number (starting at 1.) The character after the variable name specifies the condition to test. Table 3 shows the available test conditions.

Table 3: Template Substitution Conditions

?True if variable exists.
=True if variable is equal to value.
!True if variable is not equal to value.
<True if variable is less than value.
>True if variable is greater than value.


CGI Programs


CUPS uses five CGI programs to manage the dynamic web interfaces:

  • admin.cgi
  • classes.cgi
  • help.cgi
  • jobs.cgi
  • printers.cgi


これらに加え、classes.cgi, jobs.cgi, printers.cgi では、どのジョブを表示するかを制御する変数WHICH_JOBS変数がサポートされています。

Each CGI program accepts standard form variables such as OP for the operation to perform, PRINTER_NAME for the printer or class name to operate on, QUERY for any search words, FIRST for the first class, job, or printer to display, and ORDER to control the order that classes, jobs, or printers are displayed.

In addition, the classes.cgi, jobs.cgi, and printers.cgi programs support a WHICH_JOBS variable to control which jobs are displayed. Table 4 lists the supported values.

Table 4: WHICH_JOBS Values

WHICH_JOBS ValueDescription
allShow all jobs
completedShow completed jobs
not-completedShow active jobs



The admin.cgi program handles all of the printer and class administration functions and is run for all direct accesses to the /admin resource. For most operations it uses the PRINTER_NAME and OP form variables to specify the action requested. Table 5 shows the supported OP values.

Table 5: admin.cgi OP Values

OP ValueDescription
accept-jobsAccepts jobs on the named destination.
add-classAdds a new printer class.
add-printerAdds a new printer.
config-serverConfigures the server.
delete-classDeletes a printer class. The form variable CONFIRM may be set to any value to bypass the confirmation page.
delete-printerDeletes a printer. The form variable CONFIRM may be set to any value to bypass the confirmation page.
export-sambaExports printers to Samba.
find-new-printersFind new printers that have not yet been added.
modify-classModifies a printer class.
modify-printerModifies a printer.
purge-jobsPurges all jobs on the named destination.
redirectRedirects the web browser to the location referenced by the URL form variable.
reject-jobsRejects new jobs on the named destination.
set-allowed-usersSets the allowed users for a destination.
set-as-defaultSets the default destination.
set-printer-optionsSets the default options for a printer.
set-sharingSets the printer-is-shared attribute for a destination.
start-classStarts the named class.
start-printerStarts the named printer.
stop-classStops the named class.
stop-printerStops the named printer.


classes.cgiプログラムはクラス情報のリスティング、それにそのクラスに投げられたジョブに対して責任を負っています。/classesリソースに対して直接アクセスを行っており、フォーム変数 OP と WHICH_JOBS をオプションでサポートしています。フォーム変数が提供されなかった場合はCGIはすべて、もしくは指定されたクラスと、それぞれのクラスでアクティブなジョブをリストします。表6にサポートしているOP変数を示します。

The classes.cgi program is responsible for listing class information, including jobs destined for that class. It is for all direct accesses to the /classes resource and supports the optional form variables OP and WHICH_JOBS. If no form variables are supplied then the CGI lists all or a specific class and the active jobs on each class. Table 6 shows the supported OP values.

Table 6: classes.cgi OP Values

OP ValueDescription
move-jobsMoves the jobs on this class to another destination.
print-test-pagePrints the standard PostScript test page.



The help.cgi program handles all of the on-line help functions and is run for all direct accesses to the /help resource.


jobs.cgiプログラムはジョブ機能のすべてを扱い、/jobリソースに直接アクセスします。ほとんどの操作において、要求されたアクションを指定するJOB_ID, OP, WHICH_JOBの各フォーム変数を使います。表7にサポートしているOP変数を示します。

The jobs.cgi program handles all of the job functions and is run for all direct accesses to the /jobs resource. For most operations it uses the JOB_ID, OP, and WHICH_JOBS form variables to specify the action requested. Table 7 shows the supported OP values.

Table 7: jobs.cgi OP Values

OP ValueDescription
cancel-jobCancels a job.
hold-jobHolds a job indefinitely.
move-jobMoves a job to another destination.
release-jobReleases a job for printing.
restart-jobRestarts/reprints a stopped, canceled, completed, or aborted print job.


printers.cgiプログラムはプリンタ情報とそのプリンタのジョブ情報を責任を持って扱っています。/printersリソースに対し直接アクセスを行い、オプションのフォーム変数 OP と WHICH_JOBS をサポートしています。フォーム変数が提供されない場合はこのCGIではすべて、もしくは指定されたプリンタと、そのプリンタでアクティブなジョブをリストします。表8にサポートしているOP変数を示します。

The printers.cgi program is responsible for listing printer information, including jobs destined for that printer. It is for all direct accesses to the /printers resource and supports the optional form variables OP and WHICH_JOBS. If no form variables are supplied then the CGI lists all printers or a specific printer and the active jobs on that printer. Table 8 shows the supported OP values.

Table 8: printers.cgi OP Values

OP ValueDescription
clean-print-headsClean the print heads.
move-jobsMove all jobs to a different destination.
print-self-test-pagePrint a printer self-test page.
print-test-pagePrint a PostScript test page.