2015年 12月 9日 (水) 19:48:32 JST
みなさま 理研のにかいどうです。 2/15-16に理研和光にてエピジェネティクスの国際会議を行います。 環境刺激とエピジェネティクス応答について取り上げ、国内外から 関連した素晴しい研究者の方々に講演して頂く予定です。ポスター 発表も募集しています。どうぞご参加ください。 近隣で興味を持ちそうなかたがいれば転送して頂けると幸いです。 --- International Symposium for RIKEN Epigenetics Program 2016: Epigenetic response to environmental stimuli -tackling unsolved problems with novel technologies The RIKEN Epigenetics Program was established to conduct research in the fields of epigenetics to develop novel prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic protocols of human diseases through basic research. As part of that mission, the RIKEN Epigenetics Program inaugurated a series of symposia and seminar in 2013 to facilitate the global and timely exchange of findings in related research fields. For the International Symposium for RIKEN Epigenetics Program 2016, we will be focusing on ‘Epigenetic response to environmental stimuli.’ The program will feature presentations, both talks and posters, covering a range of topics, including (1) Molecular mechanism of epigenetics, (2) Epigenome and Disease, (3) New technologies for control or measurement of epigenome. The program for the two-day meeting is scheduled to start on the morning of February 15 and end in the afternoon of February 16, 2016, and will include both oral and poster sessions. We encourage the submission of abstracts for the poster session from many scientists to increase opportunities for lively and informative exchange of views. A small number of poster abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. We look forward to welcoming you to Wako and the RIKEN Wako Campus. Speakers: Anne Ferguson-Smith, Cambridge Univ. Alexander Meissner, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Univ. Chahram Akbarian, Friedman Brain Institute and Department of Psychiatry Qing-Yuan Sun, State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Elena Ezhkova, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Minkui Luo, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Yingming Zhao, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Kazuya Iwamoto, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan Shimon Sakaguchi, Osaka Univ. Akimitsu Okamoto. Univ. of Tokyo Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Piero Carninci, RIKEN Atsuo Ogura, RIKEN BRC Minoru Yoshida, RIKEN RIKEN Epigenetics Symposium Organizers --- --- Itoshi NIKAIDO, Ph.D. <itosh****@riken*****> Bioinformatics Research Unit, Unit Leader RIKEN Advanced Center for Computing and Communication 304 Information Science Building, Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198