[open-bio-info 162] 国際学会FOSBE (The 4th Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering) Second call


Kazuharu Arakawa gaou****@sfc*****
2012年 7月 18日 (水) 15:38:56 JST


システム生物工学の国際学会FOSBEのSecond Callです。こちら10月に日本初開催となります。

Abstract submission deadline extended till the 30th July 2012! 

The 4th Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering
21st October - 25th October 2012
The Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Tsuruoka, Japan

We have decided to open abstract submission until the 30th July 2012.
There are a limited number of oral and poster presentations slots left. 
Please submit at http://fosbe2012.org/.

Important dates
2012.07.30 Abstract submission deadline
2012.07.31 Early registration deadline

Topics include:
Complexity . Biological Noise . System Dynamics . Medical Systems Biology .
Microbial Systems Biology . Industrial Systems Biology . Synthetic Biology .
Microfludics . Reaction Networks

Speakers Include:
Hiroaki Kitano  . Babatunde A. Ogunnaike . Corrado Priami . David de Graaf .
Francis Doyle . Hans Peter Hertzel . Hiroki Ueda . Hirotada Mori . Johjoe
McFadden . Jorg Stelling . Jung Kyoon Choi . Michael Stumpf . Shoji Takeuchi
. Teruo Fujii  . Tomoyoshi Soga . Wen-Lian Hsu

FOSBE 2012 is an international conference that addresses emerging challenges
and opportunities in systems biology with a particular emphasis on
engineering approaches and applications. Recent advances in biotechnology
have lead to a massive increase in the quality and quantity of data
available to bioscience researchers that was almost unimaginable 10 years
ago. The availability of these datasets have highlighted the requirement for
novel computational approaches to extract new information, integrate this
information and lead to new knowledge. Furthermore, advances in
computational approaches are required for the integration of these data into
formal biological models. From these foundations, the interdisciplinary
field of Systems Biology has emerged with the primary aim of effectively
integrating science, mathematics and engineering to address complexity in
biology, using multi-dimensional datasets and to train future
interdisciplinary graduates. The FOSBE series of conferences uniquely focus
on integrative engineering approaches to Systems Biology.

Please share this e-mail with colleagues and interested parties. The people
of Tsuruoka, the organizing committee of FOSBE 2012, and I look forward to
you coming to this exciting meeting.


Masaru Tomita
Chair of FOSBE 2012

FOSBE Organising committee:
Frank Allgower, Stuttgart University
Jeffrey Blanchard,Umass
Eric Bullinger, Universite de Liege
Francis J. Doyle, UCSB
Juergen Hahn, Texas A&M
Mike Henson, UMASS
Xiaoxia Lin, University of Michigan
Hirotada Mori, NAIST
Babatunde A. Ogunnaike,  University of Delaware
Robert S. Parker, University of Pittsburgh
Manuel Peitsch, Novartis
Nick Sahinidis, CMU
Kazuyuki Shimizu, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Jorg Stelling , ETH
Hiroki Ueda, RIKEN CDB
Jung Kyoon CHOI, GIS
Wen-Lian Hsu, Academia Sinica
Kazuharu Arakawa, IAB
Dougie Murray, IAB
Martin Robert, IAB
Kumar Selvarajoo, IAB
Masa Tsuchiya, IAB

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