Karmjit edison
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 10:05:54 JST
H_E.R*E WE GO AG AIN! T'H'E B+I+G O+N-E BE FORE T.H+E SEPTEMBER.RA LLY'! T'H-E M ARKET IS ABO.UT TO P-O+P*, A,N,D SO IS E-X*M T.! Ti ck: E_X*M,T 5_-day p otent-ial: 0'.*4*0 Fi.rm: E,XCHA_NGE MOB-ILE T E'L'E ('Other O'T-C*: EXMT.*PK) A*s'k_: 0 . 1 0 (+25.00*%+) UP TO 2.5 % in 1 day N+o.t o+n+l_y d_o'e-s t h-i.s f-i-r m h,a-v e g reat fundament, als, b*u*t gettin_g t,h_i's oppor_t,unity at t_h e rig.ht t'i,m'e', ri'ght befor_e t h e ral_ly is w'h'a+t ma.kes t h'i-s d*e'a_l so s_weet! T*h.i-s a g.reat opportun. ity to at l+east doub*le up! Ma'lmy h*o*b d-i_e Schu_l_tern. Y+o u c,a_n r.u-n a l+l t.h,e in-stalle-rs f,r'o-m t.h+e to_p-leve+l Autor'un. Consci*enc,e, t+h*u_s do I c_a's,t t_h-e-e o+f_f,. Man*ipulati on of t_e'x't in P_e,r_l i s+, I thi,nk, un,rival-ed by a.n.y co mpu'ter la-nguag-e. M.a_n*y of t_h+e fun_,ctions li.sted in t-h_i*s chapte.r a r-e d'efined math- ematically o_v-e'r a doma,in t h*a,t is o'n-l_y a subse.t of r+e-a l numbers_. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...ダウンロード