[Monstertv-linux-discuss-jp] Initializes a new instance of the class with the name of the DLL containing the method to import.


Gil Basilio GilBa****@resum*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 16:07:32 JST

H,u*g-e N,e'w s To Impac*t C_Y.T+V 

C-hina YouT+V C_o.r'p-. 
Symb,ol: C+Y-T.V 

We h+a_v,e alread.y s-e'e_n C*YTV's marke-t impa'ct befo,re clim-bi.ng to o'v.e*r $2..00 w-i.t h n_e-w s+. 

Pre.ss Releas'e: 

Chi+na YouTV.'s CnB'oo W'e,b S,i t-e Rank_s N'o..+1 on M'icroso ft L i+v_e Searc'h E'ngine 

C-nBoo Traff-ic Increa*se s 4'9-% O'v_e.r T w o Mont*hs 

R,e-a-d t*h.e ne+ws, thin-k abo,ut t_h.e imp_act, and
j-u+m.p on t_h i s fir-st th ing To+m*orrow morni,'ng!  $,0.42 is a g_i f't at t-h'i,s pr,ice...... 

Do y o'u-r home w,ork a-n,d wa_tch t*h,i's trad e Mond_ay morning.. 

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