[Molds-dev] [molds] #30111: Parallelize ZindoS::GetElectronicTransitionDipoleMoment


SourceForge Ticket System norep****@sourc*****
2012年 11月 16日 (金) 19:09:58 JST

#30111: Parallelize ZindoS::GetElectronicTransitionDipoleMoment

  Open Date: 2012-11-15 18:28
Last Update: 2012-11-16 19:09

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Last Changes/Comment for this Ticket:
2012-11-16 19:09 Update by: mikiya_fujii

 * 解決法 Update from なし to 修正済み.

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: mikiya_fujii
         Owner: mikiya_fujii
          Type: 機能リクエスト
        Status: 完了
      Priority: 5 - 中
     MileStone: ver0.2
     Component: (未割り当て)
      Severity: 5 - 中
    Resolution: 修正済み

Ticket details:

Parallelize ZindoS::GetElectronicTransitionDipoleMoment.[[BR]]
Parallelization of the module to calculate dipole moment of the ground state should be also changed to be more efficient for many core machines.

This is Ticket on Project MolDS.
MolDS Project hosted on SourceForge.JP.

Project URL: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/molds
SourceForge.JP: http://sourceforge.jp

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