Mikiya Fujii
2012年 11月 15日 (木) 18:30:27 JST
Dear all, CIS of MolDS is not parallelized, especially, the method to calculate transition dipole moments is not parallelized! So, the CIS module take a long long time. Sorry this is a my misstake. I will paralellize the CIS module as soon as possible. Ticket #30111: http://sourceforge.jp/ticket/browse.php?group_id=6231&tid=30111#preview My best, Mikiya *************************************** Mikiya Fujii, Ph.D. Yamashita & Ushiyama Laboratory, Department of Chemical System Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. tel&fax: +81-3-5841-7286 email: fujii****@tcl***** HP: http://www.tcl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ ***************************************