The PHP Web interface supports live links for
keywords, authors, and periodicals which are
displayed as "tag clouds". Automatic format
detection from local files is done, and has a
type-sensitive form for editing data. RefDB
implements all SRU operations (explain,
searchRetrieve, scan) with MODS output, and
conforms to CQL Level 2. Namespaced XML output
allows processing of schema-based TEI P5 and
DocBook V.5.0 documents. Raw bibliographies were
added. Searching for and styling of less-common
fields was improved.
A problem was fixed with the addref/updateref
command, which would occasionally report an error
although the command in fact succeeded. A possible
segfault in the checkref command was fixed too.
Bibliographies now accept references without any
The new checkref command provides an analysis of
new data and allows you to identify duplicate
references as well as spelling variants or
synonyms of keywords, author names, and
periodicals. Each user can now create an unlimited
number of personal reference lists. Support for
citation-key based citation styles was added.
RefDB can now color and size keywords,
periodicals, and author names in the (X)HTML
output according to their frequency (similar to
tag clouds). A new maintenance mode of refdbd now
simplifies upgrading RefDB. All get* commands
support a limit:offset syntax.
This release adds a script for the initial setup of a RefDB installation. There are numerous fixes in the bibliography support, the data import and export, and the character encoding support, as well as several other assorted bugfixes.
The client-server protocol was rewritten to
improve error reporting and recovery. The server
now supports sqlite3 as a database engine, support
for MySQL 4.0 and later was improved, and support
for character encodings was enhanced. References
can now contain multiple links to URLs, and
extended notes can be marked public or private.
Bibliographies can now render titles in place of
missing authors. All manuals and DTD descriptions
are now shipped with the sources. An interactive
tool to create bibliography styles and two scripts
to backup and restore databases were added.