Voice activity detection was improved. This release was updated with a better customizable overlay with FPS counter. Recording support was added. Priority speaker was implemented. Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.
This release adds an extended audio wizard, Windows 7 jumplist support,
an improved channel tree, display of the talking state in the traybar,
an updated CELT codec with enhanced packet loss concealment (fewer
robots), the ability to colorize log messages with skins, the ability
to disable individual positional audio plugins, enhanced always-on-top
adjustability, volume attenuation for other applications which can now
also trigger on local speech, many bugfixes, and various positional
audio bugfixes, improvements, and additions.
このリリースには新しい""ダイアログchatbar、レイアウトのプリセットは、チャネルの並び替え、WYSIWYGエディタ、コメント、お友達、"ささやく"、g15 OS Xでは、ネイティブのConfigDialog感覚の接続証明書ベースの認証、ユーザー管理、追加OS Xでは、自動的にプラグインの更新や拡張プラグインをサポートし、新しい位置のオーディオプラグインは、ユーザーのテクスチャ、ネットワーク自動フォールバックは、オーディオイベントを、アクセストークンは、統一されたチャネルを追加/ダイアログで、一時的なチャンネルを編集無線LANの発表や発見、クラッシュレポートの互換性クライアント、およびカスタマイズ可能なPTTのオーディオキュー。
This release adds certificate-based authentication, user management, a
new "connect" dialog, a chatbar, layout presets, channel reordering,
a WYSIWYG Editor, comments, friends, "whisper", g15 for OS X, a
native-feeling ConfigDialog on OS X, automatic plugin updates and
enhanced plugin support, new positional audio plugins, user textures,
automatic network fallback, audio events, access Tokens, a unified
channel add/edit dialog, temporary channels, lAN announcement and
discovery, crash reporting, a compatibility client, and a customizable
PTT audio cue.
Murmur has been optimized. Ice has been updated and documented. You can now use images in the server welcome text and text messages, using regular HTML tags. There are new server features. The Windows installer is now fully localized. There is improved positional audio, and more games are supported. You can now bind multiple shortcuts to every function. The overlay now works on OS X, but is considered experimental.