LM3S1968 and LM3S8962 Cortex-M3, STM32F103RB, LPC2378, and AVR ATmega328P CPUs are now supported. Support for the ATmega168 was improved. A rit128x96 graphical display driver was added; Support for Arduino 2009, Atmel AT91SAM7S-EK and AT91SAM7X-EK, Develer Triface, Luminary EK-LM3S1968, and Olimex LPC-P2378 and STM32-P103 development boards was added. APRS tracker using Arduino, SD card data logger, generic I/O board, and DevelGPS GPS tracker sample programs were added. Many benchmarks were added. Context switch is now down to 2.2us and the memory footprint is as low as 2.2KB. A new hashtable module was added,