チケット #43419

HH Pedal notes expression

登録: 2021-12-19 11:58 最終更新: 2022-10-11 21:49

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From User Forum [#88418]:

[forum: 88418]

Thank you for adding HH pedal note support (lane code 1B). Is there a way in DTXMania to make it look different to the normal HH note. They look the same and it is confusing when playing.

チケットの履歴 (11 件中 3 件表示)

2021-12-19 11:58 更新者: yyagi
  • 新しいチケット "HH Pedal notes expression" が作成されました
2021-12-19 12:31 更新者: yyagi

Hi Meow,

Yes, as you said, 1B (left pedal) and 1C (left bass) are internally supported in this DTXMania.

These lanes are converted into HHopen, HHclose and BD. Conversion rules are described in the ticket #34016 (in Japanese..if you need I'll translate it into English. In this ticket I found "Additionally Foot pedal expression should be prepared", but I didn't prepared it yet)

I didn't visualized LP (left pedal) lane yet, because I think arcade-style LP visualization is too simple to express both bass-drum and HH-pedal. Although the former is handled as the same like other lanes (like "hit" "stamped"), but the latter is at least "stamped" "under stamping" "released stamping" should be visualized, I think.

Attached image is just my idea of these visualization, but I feel that something it's not quite right.

Do you have any good ideas?

2021-12-20 10:06 更新者: None

Thanks yyagi

I understand the conversion rules now (using Google translate). It is a clever solution to reading XG style simfiles.

I agree arcade style LP visualization is not great and I think your conversion is better than having an extra lane.

With the current 9 lane format, what about improving the note appearance to make it easier to read. This is my suggestion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q02WXnY-citjYLtv1kvIZ4hwTdq4xBMT/view?usp=sharing

2021-12-21 01:49 更新者: yyagi

Oh it's great idea to use BD chip color for HH stamp! Easy to read/understand.

I update my png (dtxmania_lp_idea_120103_2.png), but become difficult, because I add other ideas... I'll reconsider...... (your overlapping idea is better, I feel)

2021-12-23 00:40 更新者: meow-dtx

Great! I look forward to seeing the next update.

2022-03-01 21:00 更新者: meow-dtx

Hi yyagi

Any progress on updates?

Also what is the HH Pedal Input option for? When I assign my Roland FD-8 to HH Pedal, it does not work with the LP converted HH notes in the game. In fact it doesn't register as a hit at all in any lane.

I need to assign FD-8 as HH Close, then it works. But then sometimes the game will accidentally mix it up with normal HH notes, resulting in "Poor". It would be better if HH and HH pedal inputs were separated.

2022-03-29 09:08 更新者: yyagi

Hi meow-dtx, all,

I apologize you my too-late response. Now my business is too-hard and cannot maintain DTXMania. But any suggestions are very welcome!

2022-10-08 21:11 更新者: meow-dtx

Thanks yyagi I understand you are busy. Hope to see an update with the HH Pedal note in the future.

2022-10-11 21:49 更新者: yyagi

Hi Meow, sorry still I have no time to maintain DTXMania.... (but still any proposals are very welcome)



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