フォーラム: ユーザフォーラム (スレッド #44484)

Crash ERROR in DTXMania V3 (2021-08-06 03:37 by yaladre #87852)

ENG: hello there, I am an American guitar player of DTX. I am encountering an issue, where for no reason I can decode the simfiles will crash the DTX Simulator. I have attached the log, but I have no idea what is causing this issue to occur. I would appreciate if any help could be provided.



LOG (DL): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mp2c4WMahwyVjac3xc_oCUKpSZIsgXSN/view?usp=sharing

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Re: Crash ERROR in DTXMania V3 (2021-08-06 10:30 by yyagi #87853)

Hi, sorry for your inconveniences.

I reviewed your log and found the crash causes while decoding bgm music data.

  • Could you send me crashed dtx song data for my investigations?
  • Would you try using the latest DTXMania (118)? It has the different logic to decode audio files. If it works well, porting 118 way to 099 will be good.
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