フォーラム: Forum of Decimal BASIC (スレッド #708713)

RANDOMIZE [seed]? (2024-09-10 05:30 by toml12953 #755618)

In the help file (accessed by pressing F1 with cursor on the keyword), the syntax of RANDOMIZE doesn't mention an optional seed.
I was converting from another BASIC and accidentally left the seed on the RANDOMIZE statement.
To my surprise, it didn't cause an error! I took off the seed and the random numbers were truly unpredictable
but when I put in a fixed seed, the random numbers were predictable. This is a very useful facility for debugging
programs. Perhaps you should document the optional seed parameter.


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Re: RANDOMIZE [seed]? (2024-09-10 08:57 by SHIRAISHI Kazuo #755619)

I added a description about seed on the web help.
Help files will be revised in future.

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