フォーラム: ヘルプ (スレッド #11762)

HALT after powering on H8/MAX (2006-07-16 21:11 by 匿名 #23771)

Dear Sirs:

I am an engineer from Taiwan.
I have one question about H8/MAX board.
Please, first, accept my apology that I can't read and write Japanese.

After powering on the H8/MAX board,
the boot process started and I got some text message from Windows HyperTermnal.
But I found that the boot process halted abnormally.
The message started with:
inflating binary .................
but halted at:
eth0: NE2000 found at 0x800600, using IRQ 16.
Blkmem copyright 1998,1999 D. Jeff Dionne
Blkmem copyright 1998 Kenneth Albanowski
Blkmem 1 disk images: 0: 4F8A88-518687 [VIRTUAL 4F8A88-518687] (RO)
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00beta4-2.4
ide: Assuming 50MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx

According to the H8/MAX document,
the message should be continued with:
hda: SanDisk SDCFB-64, CFA DISK drive ide0 at 0x00200000-0x0020000f,0x0060000c on irq 17
hda: attached ide-disk driver.
and finally command shell should be loaded.

Your response will be greatly appreciated.

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RE: HALT after powering on H8/MAX (2006-07-20 14:25 by ysato #23860)

It should be so that cannot identify CF.
Cannot you test it with other CF?
#23771 への返信

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