• R/O
  • HTTP
  • SSH




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リビジョンa2f64e7f8493e3db19eaf0639fe782e4496901c9 (tree)
日時2014-04-03 14:38:29
作者panacoran <panacoran@user...>





Binary files /dev/null and b/3rdParty/7z.dll differ
Binary files /dev/null and b/3rdParty/7z64.dll differ
--- a/3rdParty/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/3rdParty/LICENSE.txt
@@ -7,3 +7,12 @@ grammatica-1.5.dllはGrammaticaのランタイムライブラリです。
77 http://grammatica.percederberg.net/
88 ライセンスはGNU LGPLです。
99 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
13+ライセンスはGNU LGPLです。
15+7z.dllと7z64.dllは7-Zip 9.20に含まれています。
17+ライセンスはGNU LGPLにunRAR制限を加えたものです。
Binary files /dev/null and b/3rdParty/SevenZipSharp.dll differ
--- a/DownloadOrder.cs
+++ b/DownloadOrder.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
33 *
44 * $Id$
55 */
6+// This file is modified by panacoran.
7+// Copyright (c) 2014 panacoran <panacoran@users.sourceforge.jp>
8+// This program is part of OmegaChart.
9+// OmegaChart is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
611 using System;
712 using System.Collections;
813 using Travis.Storage;
@@ -141,7 +146,11 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource
141146 case StockDownload.Bookmark:
142147 throw new NotSupportedException("ブックマーク内のダウンロードはサポートされていません。");
143148 case StockDownload.Recent:
144- stock_ds = new Specialized.KdbComDataSource(_dateArray);
149+#if MUJINZOU
150+ stock_ds = new Specialized.MujinzouDataSource(_dateArray);
152+ stock_ds = new Specialized.KdbComDataSource(_dateArray);
145154 break;
146155 }
147156 if(stock_ds!=null) col.Add(stock_ds);
--- a/Hahaha.cs
+++ b/Hahaha.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
33 *
44 * $Id$
55 */
6+// This file is modified by panacoran.
7+// Copyright (c) 2014 panacoran <panacoran@users.sourceforge.jp>
8+// This program is part of OmegaChart.
9+// OmegaChart is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
611 using System;
712 using System.Text;
813 using System.IO;
@@ -11,8 +16,6 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
1318 using Zanetti.Data;
14-using Travis.Archive;
15-using Travis.Http;
1720 namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized
1821 {
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized
5962 Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
6063 string datetext = date.ToString();
6164 string url = String.Format("http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/ha/hahaha/data{0}/{1}.LZH", datetext.Substring(0,4), datetext);
62- r = new StreamReader(ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
65+ r = new StreamReader(Util.ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
6467 string line = r.ReadLine();
6568 while(line!=null) {
@@ -102,14 +105,5 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized
102105 if(r!=null) r.Close();
103106 }
104107 }
106- private static Stream ExtractData(string url) {
107- MemoryStream ms = new HTTPConnection(url).Open();
108- ms.Close();
109- byte[] input = ms.ToArray();
110- ArrayList list = new ExtractLha().extract(input);
111- return new MemoryStream(((Extract.FileBuffer)list[0]).buffer);
112- }
114108 }
115109 }
--- a/InitializeData.cs
+++ b/InitializeData.cs
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
2+ * Copyright (c) Daisuke OKAJIMA All rights reserved.
3+ *
4+ * $Id$
5+ */
6+// This file is modified by panacoran.
7+// Copyright (c) 2014 panacoran <panacoran@users.sourceforge.jp>
8+// This program is part of OmegaChart.
9+// OmegaChart is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
111 using System;
212 using System.IO;
313 using System.Drawing;
@@ -6,8 +16,7 @@ using System.ComponentModel;
616 using System.Windows.Forms;
717 using System.Diagnostics;
818 using System.Threading;
10-using Travis.Archive;
19+using SevenZip;
1221 namespace Zanetti.Forms
1322 {
@@ -175,18 +184,22 @@ namespace Zanetti.Forms
175184 }
177186 private void StartImport() {
187+ var execdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) ?? "";
188+ SevenZipBase.SetLibraryPath(Path.Combine(execdir, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "7z.dll" : "7z64.dll"));
178189 try {
179- ArrayList list = new ExtractZip().extract(_filename);
180- _importCount = 0;
181- foreach(Extract.FileBuffer e in list) {
182- int code = Util.ParseInt(e.filename.Substring(5)); //ちょっとぬるいハンドリングだが
183- FileStream s = new FileStream(Util.GetDailyDataFileName(code), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
184- s.Write(e.buffer, 0, e.buffer.Length);
185- s.Close();
186- if((++_importCount % 100)==0)
187- this.BeginInvoke(new ImportResult(OnImportProgress));
188- }
189- this.BeginInvoke(new ImportResult(OnImportSucceeded));
190+ using (var extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(_filename))
191+ {
192+ _importCount = 0;
193+ foreach (var e in extractor.ArchiveFileData)
194+ {
195+ var code = Util.ParseInt(e.FileName.Substring(5));
196+ using (var s = File.Create(Util.GetDailyDataFileName(code)))
197+ extractor.ExtractFile(e.Index, s);
198+ if ((++_importCount % 100) == 0)
199+ BeginInvoke(new ImportResult(OnImportProgress));
200+ }
201+ }
202+ BeginInvoke(new ImportResult(OnImportSucceeded));
190203 }
191204 catch(Exception ex) {
192205 Debug.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace);
--- a/Mujinzou.cs
+++ b/Mujinzou.cs
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
33 *
44 * $Id$
55 */
6+// This file is modified by panacoran.
7+// Copyright (c) 2014 panacoran <panacoran@users.sourceforge.jp>
8+// This program is part of OmegaChart.
9+// OmegaChart is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
611 using System;
712 using System.Text;
813 using System.IO;
914 using System.Collections;
1015 using System.Diagnostics;
1316 using Zanetti.Data;
14-using Travis.Archive;
15-using Travis.Http;
1718 namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
1819 internal class MujinzouDataSource : DailyDataSource {
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
7778 string url = Env.Options.MujinzouUsesKakoData
7879 ? "http://souba-data.com/k_data/" + d2.ToString(@"yyyy/yy_MM/TyyMMdd") + ".lzh"
7980 : "http://souba-data.com/d_data/" + d2.ToString(@"yyyy\d/yy_MM\d/TyyMMdd") + ".lzh";
80- r = new StreamReader(ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
81+ r = new StreamReader(Util.ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
8283 string line = r.ReadLine();
8384 while(line!=null) {
@@ -120,14 +121,6 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
120121 }
121122 }
123- private static Stream ExtractData(string url) {
124- MemoryStream ms = Util.HttpDownload(url);
125- ms.Close();
126- byte[] input = ms.ToArray();
127- ArrayList list = new ExtractLha().extract(input);
128- return new MemoryStream(((Extract.FileBuffer)list[0]).buffer);
129- }
131124 private static bool CheckMarket(BasicBrand br, int muj) {
132125 MarketType mt = br.Market;
133126 switch(mt) {
--- a/Util.cs
+++ b/Util.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ using System.Drawing;
1717 using System.Net;
1818 using System.Diagnostics;
1919 using System.Text;
20+using SevenZip;
2121 using Travis.Storage;
2222 using Travis.Util;
2323 using Travis.Http;
@@ -109,6 +109,28 @@ namespace Zanetti
109109 return new MemoryStream(strm.ToArray());
110110 }
112+ public static Stream ExtractData(string url)
113+ {
114+ var execdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) ?? "";
115+ SevenZipBase.SetLibraryPath(Path.Combine(execdir, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "7z.dll" : "7z64.dll"));
116+ var tmp = Path.Combine(execdir, "tmp.lzh");
117+ var result = new MemoryStream();
118+ using (var ms = Util.HttpDownload(url))
119+ using (var file = File.Create(tmp))
120+ {
121+ ms.WriteTo(file);
122+ using (var extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(file))
123+ {
124+ if (extractor.ArchiveFileData.Count != 1)
125+ throw new ApplicationException("データファイルの展開に失敗しました。");
126+ extractor.ExtractFile(0, result);
127+ }
128+ }
129+ File.Delete(tmp);
130+ result.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
131+ return result;
132+ }
112134 public static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output) {
113135 byte[] buffer = new byte[0x20000];
114136 int n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
--- a/archiver.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
2- * Copyright (c) Tasuku SUENAGA, Daisuke OKAJIMA All rights reserved.
3- *
4- * $Id$
5- */
6-using System;
7-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
8-using System.IO;
9-using System.Text;
10-using System.Collections;
12-namespace Travis.Archive {
13- /// <summary>
14- /// Extract の概要の説明です。
15- /// </summary>
16- public abstract class Extract {
18- public class FileBuffer{
19- public string filename;
20- public byte[] buffer;
21- };
23- [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,Pack=4)]
24- public struct INDIVIDUALINFO{
25- public uint dwOriginalSize;
26- public uint dwCompressedSize;
27- public uint dwCRC;
28- public uint uFlag;
29- public uint uOSType;
30- public ushort wRatio;
31- public ushort wDate;
32- public ushort wTime;
33- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=513)]
34- public string szFileName;
35- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=3)]
36- public string dummy1;
37- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=8)]
38- public string szAttribute;
39- [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=8)]
40- public string szMode;
41- }
43- public Extract() {
44- }
45- public abstract uint getVersion();
46- public abstract bool getRunning();
47- public abstract bool checkArchive(string filename,int mode);
48- public abstract string getDllName();
49- public abstract int execute(string cmdline,string output,int size);
51- public abstract int extract(IntPtr harc,string filename);
52- public abstract IntPtr openArchive(string filename,uint mode);
53- public abstract int closeArchive(IntPtr harc);
54- public abstract int findFirst(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info);
55- public abstract int findNext(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info);
56- public abstract int getFileName(IntPtr harc,ref string filename);
57- public abstract int extractMem(string filename,byte[] outbuf);
59- public bool throwException(string msg) {
60- throw new ApplicationException(getDllName() + " : " + msg);
61- }
63- public ArrayList extract(byte[] inbuf){
65- string tmpfn = Path.GetTempFileName();
66- FileStream fst = File.OpenWrite(tmpfn);
67- BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fst);
68- bw.Write(inbuf);
69- bw.Close();
70- fst.Close();
72- ArrayList retval = extract(tmpfn);
74- File.Delete(tmpfn);
76- return retval;
77- }
79- public ArrayList extract(string infile) {
80- //指定されたファイルがあるか調べる
81- if (!System.IO.File.Exists(infile)) {
82- throw new ApplicationException("ファイルが見つかりません");
83- }
85- //DLLのチェック
86- try {
87- uint ver = getVersion();
88- }
89- catch {
90- throwException("解凍を行うDLLが見つかりません。\nhttp://www.madobe.net/archiver/lib/main.htmlからインストールして下さい。");
91- }
93- if (getRunning()) {
94- throwException("他のアプリケーションで使用中です。");
95- }
97- if (!checkArchive(infile, 0)) {
98- throwException("このDLLでは解凍できないファイルです。");
99- }
101- if (infile.IndexOf(' ') > 0) {
102- infile = "\"" + infile + "\"";
103- }
105- // ファイルを全部さらう
106- // memo:あとで個別解凍より、
107- // 一個ずつテンポラリファイルに書き出して読み込んだほうがパフォーマンス高くなるかも
108- ArrayList fbar = new ArrayList();
110- IntPtr harc = openArchive(infile,0x02000100); // M_CHECK_ALL_PATH | M_BAR_WINDOWS_OFF
112- if(findFirst(harc,ref info) != -1){
113- do{
114- // ディレクトリは除く
115- if(info.dwOriginalSize != 0){
116- FileBuffer fb = new FileBuffer();
117- fb.filename = info.szFileName;
118- fb.buffer = new byte[info.dwOriginalSize];
119- fbar.Add(fb);
120- }
121- }while(findNext(harc,ref info) != -1);
122- }
123- closeArchive(harc);
125- // さらったあとで個別に解凍
126- foreach(FileBuffer fb in fbar){
127- if(extractMem(infile + " \"" + fb.filename + "\"",fb.buffer) != 0){
128- throwException("ファイルの解凍に失敗しました。");
129- }
130- }
132- return fbar;
133- }
134- }
136- public class ExtractLha : Extract {
137- [DllImport("unlha32")]
138- private extern static UInt16 UnlhaGetVersion();
139- [DllImport("unlha32")]
140- private extern static bool UnlhaGetRunning();
141- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
142- private extern static bool UnlhaCheckArchive(string szFileName, int iMode);
143- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
144- private extern static int Unlha(int hwnd, string szCmdLine, string szOutput, int dwSize);
145- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
146- private extern static int UnlhaExtract(IntPtr harc,string szFileName,string szDirName,uint dwMode);
147- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
148- private extern static int UnlhaExtractMem(int hwnd, string szCmdLine, byte[] szBuffer, int dwSize, IntPtr lpTime, IntPtr lpwAttr, IntPtr lpdwWriteSize);
149- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
150- private static extern IntPtr UnlhaOpenArchive(IntPtr hwnd, string szFileName, uint dwMode);
151- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
152- private static extern int UnlhaCloseArchive(IntPtr harc);
153- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
154- private static extern int UnlhaFindFirst(IntPtr harc, string szWildName, ref INDIVIDUALINFO lpSubInfo);
155- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
156- private static extern int UnlhaFindNext(IntPtr harc, ref INDIVIDUALINFO lpSubInfo);
157- [DllImport("unlha32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
158- private static extern int UnlhaGetFileName(IntPtr harc, StringBuilder lpBuffer, int nsize);
160- public override uint getVersion(){return (uint)UnlhaGetVersion();}
161- public override bool getRunning(){return UnlhaGetRunning();}
162- public override bool checkArchive(string filename,int mode){return UnlhaCheckArchive(filename,mode);}
163- public override int execute(string cmdline,string output,int size){return Unlha(0,cmdline,output,size);}
164- public override string getDllName(){return "Unlha32.dll";}
167- public override int extract(IntPtr harc,string filename){
168- // 未実装
169- return 0;
170- }
171- public override int extractMem(string filename,byte[] outbuf) {
172- return UnlhaExtractMem(0,"-n " + filename,outbuf,outbuf.Length,IntPtr.Zero,IntPtr.Zero,IntPtr.Zero);
173- }
174- public override IntPtr openArchive(string filename,uint mode){return UnlhaOpenArchive(IntPtr.Zero,filename,0);}
175- public override int closeArchive(IntPtr harc){return UnlhaCloseArchive(harc);}
176- public override int findFirst(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info){return UnlhaFindFirst(harc,"*.*",ref info);}
177- public override int findNext(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info){return UnlhaFindNext(harc,ref info);}
178- public override int getFileName(IntPtr harc,ref string filename){
179- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
180- int retval = UnlhaGetFileName(harc, sb, 256);
181- filename = sb.ToString();
182- return retval;
183- }
184- }
185- public class ExtractZip : Extract {
186- [DllImport("unzip32")]
187- private extern static UInt16 UnZipGetVersion();
188- [DllImport("unzip32")]
189- private extern static bool UnZipGetRunning();
190- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
191- private extern static bool UnZipCheckArchive(string szFileName, int iMode);
192- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
193- private extern static int UnZip(int hwnd, string szCmdLine, string szOutput, int dwSize);
194- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
195- private extern static int UnZipExtract(IntPtr harc,string szFileName,string szDirName,uint dwMode);
196- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
197- private extern static int UnZipExtractMem(int hwnd, string szCmdLine, byte[] szBuffer, int dwSize, IntPtr lpTime, IntPtr lpwAttr, IntPtr lpdwWriteSize);
198- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
199- private static extern IntPtr UnZipOpenArchive(IntPtr hwnd, string szFileName, uint dwMode);
200- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
201- private static extern int UnZipCloseArchive(IntPtr harc);
202- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
203- private static extern int UnZipFindFirst(IntPtr harc, string szWildName, ref INDIVIDUALINFO lpSubInfo);
204- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
205- private static extern int UnZipFindNext(IntPtr harc, ref INDIVIDUALINFO lpSubInfo);
206- [DllImport("unzip32", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
207- private static extern int UnZipGetFileName(IntPtr harc, StringBuilder lpBuffer, int nsize);
209- public override uint getVersion(){return (uint)UnZipGetVersion();}
210- public override bool getRunning(){return UnZipGetRunning();}
211- public override bool checkArchive(string filename,int mode){return UnZipCheckArchive(filename,mode);}
212- public override int execute(string cmdline,string output,int size){return UnZip(0,cmdline,output,size);}
213- public override string getDllName(){return "UnZip32.dll";}
215- public override int extract(IntPtr harc,string filename){
216- // 未実装
217- return 0;
218- }
219- public override int extractMem(string filename,byte[] outbuf) {
220- return UnZipExtractMem(0,"--i " + filename,outbuf,outbuf.Length,IntPtr.Zero,IntPtr.Zero,IntPtr.Zero);
221- }
222- public override IntPtr openArchive(string filename,uint mode){return UnZipOpenArchive(IntPtr.Zero,filename,0);}
223- public override int closeArchive(IntPtr harc){return UnZipCloseArchive(harc);}
224- public override int findFirst(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info){return UnZipFindFirst(harc,"*.*",ref info);}
225- public override int findNext(IntPtr harc,ref INDIVIDUALINFO info){return UnZipFindNext(harc,ref info);}
226- public override int getFileName(IntPtr harc,ref string filename) {
227- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
228- int retval = UnZipGetFileName(harc, sb, 256);
229- filename = sb.ToString();
230- return retval;
231- }
232- }
--- a/hdatelier.cs
+++ b/hdatelier.cs
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
33 *
44 * $Id$
55 */
6+// This file is modified by panacoran.
7+// Copyright (c) 2014 panacoran <panacoran@users.sourceforge.jp>
8+// This program is part of OmegaChart.
9+// OmegaChart is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
611 using System;
712 using System.Text;
813 using System.IO;
914 using System.Collections;
1015 using System.Diagnostics;
1316 using Zanetti.Data;
14-using Travis.Archive;
15-using Travis.Http;
1718 namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
1819 internal class HdatelierDataSource : DailyDataSource {
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
5960 Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
6061 string datetext = date.ToString();
6162 string url = String.Format("http://homepage1.nifty.com/hdatelier/data/{0}.lzh", datetext);
62- r = new StreamReader(ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
63+ r = new StreamReader(Util.ExtractData(url), Encoding.Default);
6465 string line = r.ReadLine();
6566 while(line!=null) {
@@ -96,14 +97,6 @@ namespace Zanetti.DataSource.Specialized {
9697 }
9798 }
99- private static Stream ExtractData(string url) {
100- MemoryStream ms = Util.HttpDownload(url);
101- ms.Close();
102- byte[] input = ms.ToArray();
103- ArrayList list = new ExtractLha().extract(input);
104- return new MemoryStream(((Extract.FileBuffer)list[0]).buffer);
105- }
107100 //出来高が0だと最終気配等の文字が入るため調整
108101 private static string ToClosePrice(string src, double vol) {
109102 if(vol!=0) return src;
--- a/zanetti.csproj
+++ b/zanetti.csproj
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
3333 <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType>
3434 <Optimize>true</Optimize>
3535 <OutputPath>bin\Release\</OutputPath>
36- <DefineConstants>TRACE</DefineConstants>
36+ <DefineConstants>TRACE;MUJINZOU</DefineConstants>
3737 <ErrorReport>prompt</ErrorReport>
3838 <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
3939 <AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks>
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
4545 <Reference Include="MagicLibrary">
4646 <HintPath>3rdParty\MagicLibrary.DLL</HintPath>
4747 </Reference>
48+ <Reference Include="SevenZipSharp">
49+ <HintPath>3rdParty\SevenZipSharp.dll</HintPath>
50+ </Reference>
4851 <Reference Include="System" />
4952 <Reference Include="System.Data" />
5053 <Reference Include="System.Deployment" />
@@ -57,7 +60,6 @@
5760 <SubType>Form</SubType>
5861 </Compile>
5962 <Compile Include="AccumulativeVolume.cs" />
60- <Compile Include="archiver.cs" />
6163 <Compile Include="ArithmeticLibrary.cs" />
6264 <Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.cs" />
6365 <Compile Include="AutoTrading.cs" />
@@ -378,6 +380,9 @@
378380 <None Include="parser\condition.grammar" />
379381 </ItemGroup>
380382 <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
383+ <PropertyGroup>
384+ <PostBuildEvent>copy $(SolutionDir)3rdParty\7z*.dll $(TargetDir)</PostBuildEvent>
385+ </PropertyGroup>
381386 <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
382387 Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
383388 <Target Name="BeforeBuild">