PolyHaven にある carrot_cake_4k をお借りして、オフセット処理を実施しました。
// Copyright (C) Mocchi (mocchi_2003@yahoo.co.jp) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #include "opennurbs.h" #include <cstdio> #include <cstdint> #include <unordered_set> #include <unordered_map> #include <thread> #include <windows.h> float get_ieee754(ON__UINT8 p[4]) { return *reinterpret_cast<float *>(p); } struct pairhash { size_t operator()(const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> &p) const { return std::hash<uint64_t>{}(p.first + static_cast<uint64_t>(p.second) * 0x100000000ULL); } }; bool ConvertFromBinarySTL(ON_SimpleArray<ON__UINT8> &stl, ON_Mesh &mesh) { mesh.Destroy(); if (stl.Count() < 84) return false; ON__UINT32 num_facets = static_cast<ON__UINT32>(stl[80]) + static_cast<ON__UINT32>(stl[81]) * 256 + static_cast<ON__UINT32>(stl[82]) * 65536 + static_cast<ON__UINT32>(stl[83]) * 16777216; if (stl.Count() < 84 + static_cast<int>(num_facets) * 50 - 2) return false; mesh.DestroyDoublePrecisionVertices(); mesh.SetSinglePrecisionVerticesAsValid(); ON__UINT8 *p = stl.First() + 84; for (ON__UINT32 i = 0; i < num_facets; ++i, p += 50) { int vcnt = mesh.m_V.Count(); mesh.m_FN.AppendNew().Set(get_ieee754(p), get_ieee754(p + 4), get_ieee754(p + 8)); mesh.m_FN.Last()->Unitize(); mesh.m_V.AppendNew().Set(get_ieee754(p + 12), get_ieee754(p + 16), get_ieee754(p + 20)); mesh.m_V.AppendNew().Set(get_ieee754(p + 24), get_ieee754(p + 28), get_ieee754(p + 32)); mesh.m_V.AppendNew().Set(get_ieee754(p + 36), get_ieee754(p + 40), get_ieee754(p + 44)); mesh.SetTriangle(mesh.m_F.Count(), vcnt, vcnt + 1, vcnt + 2); } mesh.CombineIdenticalVertices(); mesh.Compact(); return true; } struct MeshRayIntersection { ON_Mesh *mesh; ON_RTree *rtree; ON_3dPoint model_center; double rough_radius; void Initialize(ON_Mesh *mesh_, ON_RTree *rtree_) { mesh = mesh_; rtree = rtree_; ON_BoundingBox tbb; mesh_->GetTightBoundingBox(tbb); rough_radius = tbb.Diagonal().Length() * 0.5; model_center = tbb.Center(); } // 計算結果 struct Result { ON_3dPoint pt; int face_idx; }; struct RI_Work { MeshRayIntersection *this_; Result *result; ON_RTreeCapsule cc; }; bool RayIntersection(const ON_3dRay &ray, Result &result) { RI_Work w; w.this_ = this; w.result = &result; ON_RTreeCapsule &cc = w.cc; result.face_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) cc.m_point[0][i] = ray.m_P[i]; double len_max = rough_radius + ray.m_P.DistanceTo(model_center); ON_3dPoint pt = ray.m_P + ray.m_V * len_max; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) cc.m_point[1][i] = pt[i]; cc.m_radius = 0; cc.m_domain[0] = 0, cc.m_domain[1] = 1; rtree->Search(&cc, IntersectCallback, &w); return (result.face_idx >= 0); } static bool IntersectCallback(void* a_context, ON__INT_PTR a_id) { auto *ri = static_cast<RI_Work *>(a_context); MeshRayIntersection *this_ = ri->this_; ON_Mesh &m = *this_->mesh; ON_MeshFace &f = m.m_F[a_id]; ON_RTreeCapsule &cc = ri->cc; ON_3dPoint ptA(m.m_V[f.vi[0]]), ptB(m.m_V[f.vi[1]]), ptC(m.m_V[f.vi[2]]); ON_Plane pln(ptA, ptB, ptC); double t; // 線分に収まっているかどうかの判定 ON_Line lin(cc.m_point[0], cc.m_point[1]); ON_Intersect(lin, pln.plane_equation, &t); if (t < 0 || t > 1.0) return true; ON_3dPoint ptL = lin.PointAt(t); // 三角形と点との内外判定 http://www.sousakuba.com/Programming/gs_hittest_point_triangle.html ON_3dVector cpA = ON_CrossProduct(ptA - ptC, ptL - ptA); ON_3dVector cpB = ON_CrossProduct(ptB - ptA, ptL - ptB); ON_3dVector cpC = ON_CrossProduct(ptC - ptB, ptL - ptC); if (ON_DotProduct(cpA, cpB) < 0 || ON_DotProduct(cpA, cpC) < 0) return true; ri->result->pt = ptL; ri->result->face_idx = a_id; return true; } }; void Mesh_NeighborVertices(const ON_Mesh &mesh, ON_ClassArray<ON_SimpleArray<int>> &neighbors_vertices, bool trace_sort = false) { int cnt_vertex = mesh.VertexCount(); ON_ClassArray<std::unordered_set<int>> neighbors_vertices_; neighbors_vertices_.SetCapacity(cnt_vertex); neighbors_vertices_.SetCount(cnt_vertex); for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_F.Count(); ++j) { auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int vi_c = f.vi[i], vi_n = f.vi[(i + 1) % 3]; if (vi_c == vi_n) continue; neighbors_vertices_[vi_c].insert(vi_n); } } neighbors_vertices.SetCapacity(cnt_vertex); neighbors_vertices.SetCount(cnt_vertex); for (int j = 0; j < cnt_vertex; ++j) { auto &nv_i = neighbors_vertices_[j]; if (nv_i.size() == 0) continue; auto &nv_o = neighbors_vertices[j]; nv_o.SetCapacity(nv_i.size()); if (trace_sort) { std::unordered_set<int> v_traced; int vi_init = *nv_i.begin(); int vi_c, vi_n = vi_init; for (;;) { vi_c = vi_n, vi_n = -1; v_traced.insert(vi_c); nv_o.Append(vi_c); auto &nv_c = neighbors_vertices_[vi_c]; for (auto iter = nv_c.begin(); iter != nv_c.end(); ++iter) { if (nv_i.find(*iter) == nv_i.end()) continue; if (v_traced.find(*iter) != v_traced.end()) continue; vi_n = *iter; v_traced.insert(vi_n); break; } if (vi_n == -1) break; } } else { for (auto iter = nv_i.begin(); iter != nv_i.end(); ++iter) { nv_o.Append(*iter); } } } } // Reference : M. Botsch, L. Kobbelt, // "A Remeshing Approach to Multiresolution Modeling". // Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004, Pages 189–196 int Remesh_SplitEdges(ON_Mesh &mesh, double edge_length_to_split) { int splitted_edges_count = 0; std::unordered_map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, int, pairhash> edge_splitted; for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) { int splitted_edges_count_prev = splitted_edges_count; int face_count = mesh.m_F.Count(); for (int j = 0; j < face_count; ++j) { auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int in = (i + 1) % 3; std::pair<int, int> edge(f.vi[i], f.vi[in]); if (edge.first > edge.second) std::swap(edge.first, edge.second); int new_vertex = -1; auto iter = edge_splitted.find(edge); if (iter != edge_splitted.end()) { // 分割済のエッジのため、このFaceは分割する。 new_vertex = iter->second; } else { ON_3dPoint p1 = mesh.Vertex(edge.first); ON_3dVector edge_dir = mesh.Vertex(edge.second) - p1; double edge_length = edge_dir.Length(); if (edge_length >= edge_length_to_split) { new_vertex = mesh.m_V.Count(); mesh.SetVertex(new_vertex, p1 + edge_dir * 0.5); edge_splitted.insert(std::make_pair(edge, new_vertex)); ++splitted_edges_count; } } if (new_vertex >= 0) { int prev_vertex = f.vi[in]; int mate_vertex = f.vi[(i + 2) % 3]; f.vi[in] = new_vertex; auto &nf = mesh.m_F.AppendNew(); nf.vi[0] = new_vertex; nf.vi[1] = prev_vertex; nf.vi[2] = mate_vertex; // 分割したらこのFaceはそれ以上触らない。 break; } } } if (splitted_edges_count_prev == splitted_edges_count) break; } return splitted_edges_count; } int Remesh_CollapseEdges(ON_Mesh &mesh, double edge_length_to_collapse) { int cnt_vtx_orig = mesh.VertexCount(); int collapsed_edges_count = 0; ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex> edges; mesh.GetMeshEdges(edges); for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) { int collapsed_edges_count_prev = collapsed_edges_count; for (int j = 0; j < edges.Count(); ++j) { ON_3dPoint p1 = mesh.Vertex(edges[j].i); ON_3dVector edge_dir = mesh.Vertex(edges[j].j) - p1; if (edge_dir.IsZero() || edge_dir.Length() > edge_length_to_collapse) continue; ON_3dPoint pm = p1 + edge_dir * 0.5; mesh.SetVertex(edges[j].i, pm); mesh.SetVertex(edges[j].j, pm); ++collapsed_edges_count; } if (collapsed_edges_count_prev == collapsed_edges_count) break; } mesh.CombineIdenticalVertices(true, true); std::printf("Remesh_CollapseEdges: vertices %d => %d\n", cnt_vtx_orig, mesh.VertexCount()); return collapsed_edges_count; } void Remesh_OptimizeValence(ON_Mesh &mesh) { #if 0 ON_SimpleArray<int> valences(mesh.VertexCount()); valences.SetCount(mesh.VertexCount()); for (int i = 0; i < valences.Count(); ++i) { valences[i] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_F.Count(); ++j) { auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int vi_c = f.vi[i], vi_n = f.vi[(i + 1) % 3]; valences[vi_c]++; valences[vi_n]++; } } std::unordered_map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<int, int>> edges_to_flip; for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_F.Count(); ++j) { auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int vi_c = f.vi[i], vi_n = f.vi[(i + 1) % 3]; valences[vi_c]++; valences[vi_n]++; } } #endif } void Mesh_CalculateVertexArea_BaryCentric(const ON_Mesh &mesh, ON_SimpleArray<double> &bary_centric_area) { int cnt_vertex = mesh.VertexCount(); bary_centric_area.SetCapacity(cnt_vertex); bary_centric_area.SetCount(cnt_vertex); for (int i = 0; i < cnt_vertex; ++i) { bary_centric_area[i] = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_F.Count(); ++j) { ON_3dPoint vtx[3]; auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vtx[i] = mesh.Vertex(f.vi[i]); } ON_3dVector dir1 = vtx[1] - vtx[0], dir2 = vtx[2] - vtx[0]; double area = ON_CrossProduct(dir1, dir2).Length() * 0.5; double area_3 = area / 3.0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bary_centric_area[f.vi[i]] += area_3; } } } void Mesh_CalculateVertexArea_Voronoi(const ON_Mesh &mesh, ON_SimpleArray<double> &voronoi_area) { int cnt_vertex = mesh.VertexCount(); voronoi_area.SetCapacity(cnt_vertex); voronoi_area.SetCount(cnt_vertex); for (int i = 0; i < cnt_vertex; ++i) { voronoi_area[i] = 0; } // ・各三角形に対して、ボロノイ点を求め、三角形の頂点毎にボロノイ面積を求める。 // ・ボロノイ面積を頂点毎に合算する。 ON_3dPoint vtx[3]; ON_3dVector dir_edge[3]; for (int j = 0; j < mesh.m_F.Count(); ++j) { // 中点の平面を求める。 ON_Plane pln[3]; auto &f = mesh.m_F[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vtx[i] = mesh.Vertex(f.vi[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { int in = (i + 1) % 3; ON_3dPoint &ps = vtx[i], &pe = vtx[i + 1]; ON_3dVector dir = pe - ps; pln[i].CreateFromNormal(ps + dir * 0.5, dir); dir_edge[i] = dir; } ON_Plane pln_tri(vtx[0], vtx[1], vtx[2]); ON_3dPoint pt_voronoi[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ON_Intersect(pln[i], pln[(i+1)%3], pln_tri, pt_voronoi[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { ON_3dVector dir_voronoi = pt_voronoi[(i+2)%3] - vtx[i]; double &area = voronoi_area[f.vi[i]]; area += ON_CrossProduct(dir_edge[i], dir_voronoi).Length() * 0.5; } } } // http://rodolphe-vaillant.fr/entry/33/curvature-of-a-triangle-mesh-definition-and-computation void Mesh_CalculateCurvature_LaplaceOperator(const ON_Mesh &mesh, ON_SimpleArray<ON_SurfaceCurvature> &kappa) { int cnt_vertex = mesh.VertexCount(); kappa.SetCapacity(cnt_vertex); kappa.SetCount(cnt_vertex); ON_ClassArray<ON_SimpleArray<int>> neighbors_vertices; Mesh_NeighborVertices(mesh, neighbors_vertices, true); ON_SimpleArray<double> vertex_area; Mesh_CalculateVertexArea_BaryCentric(mesh, vertex_area); for (int j = 0; j < cnt_vertex; ++j) { ON_3dPoint v_i = mesh.Vertex(j); auto &nv = neighbors_vertices[j]; double sum_rad = 0; ON_3dVector v_laplace(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nv.Count(); ++i) { // v_i // *_ // dir_b /: ~-_ dir_b // / : ~-_ // v_p *_ : _* v_n // ~-_ :_-~ // dir_a ~* dir_a // v_c ON_3dPoint v_jp = mesh.Vertex(i > 0 ? i - 1 : nv.Count() - 1); ON_3dPoint v_jc = mesh.Vertex(i); ON_3dPoint v_jn = mesh.Vertex(i < nv.Count() - 1 ? i+1 : 0); ON_3dVector dir_a[2] = { v_jc - v_jp, v_jc - v_jn }; ON_3dVector dir_b[2] = { v_i - v_jp, v_i - v_jn }; // ^ // b/| // / | m tanθ = m/l, cotθ = l/m // /θ| // *---+-> // l a // l = dot(a,b) // m = |b - l*a| double cots[2]; for (int h = 0; h < 2; ++h) { dir_a[h].Unitize(), dir_b[h].Unitize(); double l = ON_DotProduct(dir_a[h], dir_b[h]); double m = (dir_b[h] - dir_a[h] * l).Length(); cots[h] = (m < ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE) ? 0.0 : l / m; } ON_3dVector dir_c = v_jc - v_i; v_laplace += dir_c * (cots[0] + cots[1]); dir_c.Unitize(); double rad = std::atan2(ON_CrossProduct(dir_b[0], dir_c).Length(), ON_DotProduct(dir_b[0], dir_c)); sum_rad += rad; } double area = vertex_area[j]; double k_g = (ON_PI * 2.0 - sum_rad) / area; double k_m = v_laplace.Length() / (4.0 * area); if (ON_DotProduct(v_laplace, ON_3dVector(mesh.m_N[j])) > 0) k_m *= -1.0; double k_root = std::sqrt(k_m * k_m - k_g); auto &ks = kappa[j]; ks.k1 = k_m - k_root; ks.k2 = k_m + k_root; } } void Remesh_TangentialSmoothing(ON_Mesh &mesh, double damping_factor, bool update_normals) { int cnt_vertex = mesh.VertexCount(); ON_SimpleArray<double> vertex_area; Mesh_CalculateVertexArea_BaryCentric(mesh, vertex_area); // Mesh_CalculateVertexArea_Voronoi(mesh, vertex_area); // ・隣接点を記録する。 ON_ClassArray<ON_SimpleArray<int>> neighbors_vertices; Mesh_NeighborVertices(mesh, neighbors_vertices); // ・ボロノイ面積で重み付けした重心を求める。 ON_SimpleArray<ON_3dPoint> centroid(mesh.VertexCount()); centroid.SetCount(mesh.VertexCount()); for (int j = 0; j < cnt_vertex; ++j) { ON_3dPoint vtx_c = mesh.Vertex(j); auto &nv = neighbors_vertices[j]; ON_3dVector vtx_nsum(0, 0, 0); double area_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nv.Count(); ++i) { int idx = nv[i]; double va = vertex_area[idx]; ON_3dPoint vtx_n = mesh.Vertex(idx); area_sum += va; vtx_nsum += vtx_n * va; } centroid[j] = vtx_nsum / area_sum; } // ・重心、法線、damping_factorを使って頂点の位置をずらす。 for (int j = 0; j < cnt_vertex; ++j) { ON_3dPoint vtx = mesh.Vertex(j); ON_3dVector dir_diff = centroid[j] - vtx; ON_3dVector nrm = mesh.m_N[j]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { dir_diff[i] *= (1.0 - nrm[i] * nrm[i]) * damping_factor; } vtx += dir_diff; mesh.SetVertex(j, vtx); } if (update_normals) { mesh.CombineIdenticalVertices(true, true); mesh.ComputeVertexNormals(); } } void Remesh_AreaEqualizing(ON_Mesh &mesh, double edge_length) { ON_ClassArray<std::unordered_set<int>> neighbors_vertices; // edgeを構成する頂点番号は若い順にソートされている std::unordered_map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, int, pairhash> edge_work; // first: edge, second: new_vertex_id; // ・edge_length * 4/3 より長いエッジを2つに分割する std::printf("split_edges...\n"); Remesh_SplitEdges(mesh, edge_length * 4.0 / 3.0); std::printf("collapse_edges...\n"); // ・edge_length * 4/5 より短いエッジを消去する Remesh_CollapseEdges(mesh, edge_length * 4.0 / 5.0); mesh.Compact(); // ・valence値が非境界で6、境界で4に近づくようにエッジをフリップ // (エッジを共有する2つの三角形のそのエッジを構成しない残りの頂点同士を // 結んだエッジを作成し、元のエッジをそれに置き換える) Remesh_OptimizeValence(mesh); mesh.ComputeVertexNormals(); // スムージング std::printf("tangential smoothing...\n"); Remesh_TangentialSmoothing(mesh, 0.2, false); } template <typename F> void Mesh_Offset(const ON_Mesh &mesh_i, F &offset, ON_Mesh &mesh_o) { mesh_o = mesh_i; mesh_o.ComputeVertexNormals(); // まずはオフセットする。 for (int i = 0; i < mesh_i.VertexCount(); ++i) { ON_3dPoint vtx = mesh_i.Vertex(i); auto &nrm = mesh_o.m_N[i]; vtx += nrm * offset(i); mesh_o.SetVertex(i, vtx); } ON_SimpleArray<ON_2dex> edges; mesh_o.GetMeshEdges(edges); ON_SimpleArray<bool> vertex_moved(mesh_o.VertexCount()); vertex_moved.SetCount(mesh_o.VertexCount()); for (int i = 0; i < vertex_moved.Count(); ++i) { vertex_moved[i] = false; } // オフセットに伴って向きが反転したエッジは、両端の頂点をエッジ中点に移動してエッジ長さ0にする。 for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { bool reversed_exist = false; for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count(); ++i) { auto &e = edges[i]; if (vertex_moved[e.i] || vertex_moved[e.j]) continue; ON_3dPoint vi = mesh_o.Vertex(e.i), vj = mesh_o.Vertex(e.j); ON_3dVector d_o = vj - vi; if (d_o.IsZero()) continue; ON_3dVector d_i = mesh_i.Vertex(e.j) - mesh_i.Vertex(e.i); if (ON_DotProduct(d_i, d_o) < 0) { ON_3dPoint vm = (vi + vj) * 0.5; mesh_o.SetVertex(e.i, vm); mesh_o.SetVertex(e.j, vm); reversed_exist = true; vertex_moved[e.i] = true; vertex_moved[e.j] = true; } } if (!reversed_exist) break; } // 同一頂点を削除する。 mesh_o.CombineIdenticalVertices(true, true); std::printf("shrink vertices:%d => %d\n", mesh_i.VertexCount(), mesh_o.VertexCount()); mesh_o.Compact(); } struct StopWatch { LARGE_INTEGER freq, c1, c2; double msec; StopWatch() { ::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); msec = 0; } void tic() { ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&c1); } void toc() { ::QueryPerformanceCounter(&c2); msec = static_cast<double>(c2.QuadPart - c1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / static_cast<double>(freq.QuadPart); } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 1) return 0; ON_Mesh mesh_i, mesh_w, mesh_o; { FILE *fp = std::fopen(argv[1], "rb"); std::fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size_t sz = std::ftell(fp); std::rewind(fp); ON_SimpleArray<ON__UINT8> buf(sz); buf.SetCount(sz); std::fread(buf.First(), 1, sz, fp); std::fclose(fp); bool rc = ConvertFromBinarySTL(buf, mesh_i); } StopWatch sw; mesh_w = mesh_i; sw.tic(); Remesh_CollapseEdges(mesh_w, 0.05); mesh_w.ComputeVertexNormals(); mesh_w.UnitizeVertexNormals(); sw.toc(); std::printf("Remesh_CollapseEdges: %f msec\n", sw.msec); sw.tic(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) Remesh_TangentialSmoothing(mesh_o, 0.5, true); sw.toc(); std::printf("Remesh_TangentialSmoothing: %f msec\n", sw.msec); double offset = 0.005; sw.tic(); ON_SimpleArray<double> offset_per_vertex(mesh_w.VertexCount()); offset_per_vertex.SetCount(mesh_w.VertexCount()); std::thread threads[4]; for (int th = 0; th < 4; ++th){ ON_RTree rtree; rtree.CreateMeshFaceTree(&mesh_i); MeshRayIntersection mri; mri.Initialize(&mesh_i, &rtree); threads[th] = std::thread([&, th]{ for (int i = th; i < mesh_w.VertexCount(); i += 4) { double &offset_target = offset_per_vertex[i]; ON_3dRay ray; ray.m_P = mesh_w.Vertex(i); ray.m_V = mesh_w.m_N[i]; MeshRayIntersection::Result result; if (!mri.RayIntersection(ray, result)) offset_target = offset; double dist = ray.m_P.DistanceTo(result.pt); if (dist > 1.0) dist = 1.0; offset_target = dist + offset; } }); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) threads[i].join(); sw.toc(); std::printf("MeshRayIntersection: %f msec\n", sw.msec); sw.tic(); Mesh_Offset(mesh_w, [&](int vtx_idx) { return offset_per_vertex[vtx_idx]; }, mesh_o); sw.toc(); std::printf("Mesh_Offset: %f msec\n", sw.msec); ONX_Model model; { auto &obj = model.m_object_table.AppendNew(); obj.m_object = &mesh_o; obj.m_bDeleteObject = false; } ON_String filename = argv[1]; filename += "_offset.3dm"; model.Write(filename, 4); return 0; }
更新日時: 2023-04-16 15:31:27, 更新者: mocchi_2012
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