[Ultramonkey-l7-users 366] Re: how many modules can one port have?


Kohei TANUMA tanum****@nttco*****
2010年 7月 20日 (火) 11:15:15 JST


2010/07/20 5:20, Chen, Jiahui wrote:
> When I use the url module pattern match, it seems only works for the 
> first avalable pattern. For example, I set a pattern 'pattern1' to 
> forward url to server 1 first and then 'pattern2' to forward url to 
> server 2. Only the pattern 1 work ( the url can be forward to server 1 
> but can not to server 2 ). When I change the order, set 'pattern2' first 
> and then 'pattern1', it only works for pattern2. If I set these two 
> pattern to different ports, both work. Thus I want to know is there only 
> 1 module works for 1 port? If not, how to set multiple modules on 1 port?

It is possible. Create the virtual server as follows.

# l7vsadm -A -t 0:80 -m url --pattern-match 'pattern1'
# l7vsadm -a -t 0:80 -m url --pattern-match 'pattern1' -r server1:80
# l7vsadm -A -t 0:80 -m url --pattern-match 'pattern2'
# l7vsadm -a -t 0:80 -m url --pattern-match 'pattern2' -r server2:80

Now, 1 port(HTTP port) has 2 url modules.

# l7vsadm -K
Layer-7 Virtual Server version 2.1.3-1
Prot LocalAddress:Port ProtoMod Scheduler Reschedule Protomod_key_string
   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InactConn
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern1
   -> server1:http         Masq    1      0          0
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern2
   -> server2:http         Masq    1      0          0

And then, send 'pattern1' request. This request will be send to server1.

# links -dump http://localhost/pattern1.html
    server1 sample content

Check the balancing status. server1's InactConn should be increased.

# l7vsadm -K
Layer-7 Virtual Server version 2.1.3-1
Prot LocalAddress:Port ProtoMod Scheduler Reschedule Protomod_key_string
   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InactConn
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern1
   -> server1:http         Masq    1      0         *1*
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern2
   -> server2:http         Masq    1      0          0

Next, send 'pattern2' request. This request will be send to server2.

# links -dump http://localhost/pattern2.html
    server2 sample content

Check the balancing status again.
server2's InactConn should be increased this time.

# l7vsadm -K
Layer-7 Virtual Server version 2.1.3-1
Prot LocalAddress:Port ProtoMod Scheduler Reschedule Protomod_key_string
   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InactConn
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern1
   -> server1:http         Masq    1      0          1
TCP url rr 0 --pattern-match pattern2
   -> server2:http         Masq    1      0         *1*



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