[Ttssh2-users 14] Detected corrupted data; connection terminating. Oversized packet received from server; connection will close - Getting this Error in TeraTerm

Rameshbabu Palanisamy rames****@tatae*****
2021年 5月 3日 (月) 15:53:44 JST

Hi Team,

I am using TeraTerm as SSH client to access my Hardware console and to check the logs. I am able to access my hardware console but whenever I run any command which will give more data output, I am getting this below error and SSH client is getting terminated.

Detected corrupted data; connection terminating. Oversized packet received from server; connection will close

Attaching the error screenshot here.

Please tell me anyone faced this issue already and have the solution.

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ファイル名: SSH CRASH - Teraterm.png
型:         image/png
サイズ:     3839 バイト
説明:       SSH CRASH - Teraterm.png
URL:        <https://lists.osdn.me/mailman/archives/ttssh2-users/attachments/20210503/08232c7d/attachment.png>

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