チケット #29682

Yukkri being able to try to keep food from others (chasing away other yukkuri trying to eat), or choosing not to, to show selfishness or good-naturedness

登録: 2012-09-27 19:49 最終更新: 2012-09-27 19:49

オープン [担当者決定済み]
5 - 中
5 - 中


I think it would be interesting if the yukkuri were capable of trying to defend food (or possibly other objects, once those exist) from each other. This would also give a way to show a differences in personality between different yukkuri. Here are some examples of what I mean by this:

Scenario A (selfish or cooperative):

There is a single bowl of food. One yukkuri is already eating from it, when another yukkuri approaches. Will they both eat from the same bowl and take it easy together? Or will the first yukkuri try to keep the food for himself, and try to drive away the second yukkuri by puffing up or attacking? Or will the second yukkuri declare that the first yukkuri is "scum", and try to drive him away (with puffing or attacks) and take all the food for himself?

Scenario B (concerned for children, or unconcerned for children):

There is a bowl of food, a mother and children. If there is not enough food for everyone to be satisfied, does the mother let the children eat first, or does she satisfy her own hunger without regard for them? (Not necessarily chasing them away, but just eating even though it might mean the food runs out before the children can eat.) When there is plenty of food, does the mother treat her children equally, or is there a child she considers "uneasy" (maybe it's the other parent's type, or maybe there's something wrong with it) that she won't let eat with its siblings?

There could be varying degrees of "good" and "bad". A slightly bad yukkuri might show good behavior when conditions are favorable, and only show its true nature when food becomes scarce. A very bad yukkuri might behave greedily even when food is plentiful.

チケットの履歴 (1 件中 1 件表示)

2012-09-27 19:49 更新者: tis8
  • 新しいチケット "Yukkri being able to try to keep food from others (chasing away other yukkuri trying to eat), or choosing not to, to show selfishness or good-naturedness" が作成されました




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