[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime/uim


Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2005年 3月 17日 (木) 21:01:57 JST

Index: prime/uim/prime.scm
diff -u prime/uim/prime.scm:1.5 prime/uim/prime.scm:1.6
--- prime/uim/prime.scm:1.5	Thu Mar 10 13:01:35 2005
+++ prime/uim/prime.scm	Thu Mar 17 21:01:57 2005
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 ;; This returns #t, if the argument command like "<Control>j" reflects
-;; a pair of key and key-state.  The type of both key and key-stae is integer.
+;; a pair of key and key-state.  The type of both key and key-state is integer.
 (define prime-util-command-match?
   (lambda (command key key-state)
     ((make-key-predicate (modify-key-strs-implicitly command)) key key-state)))

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