[perldocjp-cvs 618] CVS update: docs/perl/5.12.1


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2010年 5月 20日 (木) 05:30:39 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.12.1/perl5121delta.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.12.1/perl5121delta.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu May 20 05:30:39 2010
+++ docs/perl/5.12.1/perl5121delta.pod	Thu May 20 05:30:38 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perldelta - what is new for perl v5.12.1
+=end original
+perldelta - perl v5.12.1 での変更点
+=begin original
+This document describes differences between the 5.12.0 release and
+the 5.12.1 release.
+=end original
+このドキュメントは 5.12.0 リリースと 5.12.1 リリースの変更点を記述しています。
+=begin original
+If you are upgrading from an earlier release such as 5.10.1, first read
+L<perl5120delta>, which describes differences between 5.10.1 and
+=end original
+5.10.1 のような以前のリリースから更新する場合は、まず 5.10.1 と
+5.12.0 の違いについて記述している L<perl5120delta> を読んでください。
+=head1 Incompatible Changes
+=begin original
+There are no changes intentionally incompatible with 5.12.0. If any
+incompatibilities with 5.12.0 exist, they are bugs. Please report them.
+=end original
+故意に、5.12.0 から互換性がなくなるようにした変更はありません。
+もし 5.12.0 との互換性がなければ、それはバグです。
+=head1 Core Enhancements
+=begin original
+Other than the bug fixes listed below, there should be no user-visible
+changes to the core language in this release.
+=end original
+=head1 Modules and Pragmata
+=head2 Pragmata Changes
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed exporting of C<is_strict> and C<is_lax> from L<version>.
+=end original
+L<version> からの C<is_strict> と C<is_lax> のエクスポートを修正しました。
+=begin original
+These were being exported with a wrapper that treated them as method
+calls, which caused them to fail.  They are just functions, are
+documented as such, and should never be subclassed, so this patch
+just exports them directly as functions without the wrapper.
+=end original
+These were being exported with a wrapper that treated them as method
+calls, which caused them to fail.  They are just functions, are
+documented as such, and should never be subclassed, so this patch
+just exports them directly as functions without the wrapper.
+=head2 Updated Modules
+=item *
+=begin original
+We upgraded L<CGI.pm> to version 3.49 to incorporate fixes for regressions
+introduced in the release we shipped with Perl 5.12.0.
+=end original
+Perl 5.12.0 と共に配布されたバージョンでの退行を修正するために、
+L<CGI.pm> をバージョン 3.49 に更新しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We upgraded L<Pod::Simple> to version 3.14 to get an improvement to \C\<\< \>\>
+=end original
+\C\<\< \>\> のパースを改善するために、L<Pod::Simple> をバージョン 3.14 に
+=item *
+=begin original
+We made a small fix to the L<CPANPLUS> test suite to fix an occasional spurious test failure.
+=end original
+L<CPANPLUS> のテストを少し修正しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We upgraded L<Safe> to version 2.27 to wrap coderefs retured by C<reval()> and C<rdo()>.
+=end original
+C<reval()> と C<rdo()> から返されるコードリファレンスをラップするために、
+L<Safe> をバージョン 2.27 に更新しました。
+=head1 Changes to Existing Documentation
+=item *
+=begin original
+We added the new maintenance release policy to L<perlpolicy.pod>
+=end original
+新しい保守リリースポリシーを L<perlpolicy.pod> に追加しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We've clarified the multiple-angle-bracket construct in the spec for POD
+in L<perlpodspec>
+=end original
+We've clarified the multiple-angle-bracket construct in the spec for POD
+in L<perlpodspec>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We added a missing explanation for a warning about C<:=> to L<perldiag.pod>
+=end original
+C<:=> に関する警告の説明が L<perldiag.pod> から漏れていたのを追加しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We removed a false claim in L<perlunitut> that all text strings are Unicode strings in Perl.
+=end original
+We removed a false claim in 
+L<perlunitut> にある、全てのテキスト文字列が Perl は
+Unicode 文字列であるという間違った主張を削除しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We updated the Github mirror link in L<perlrepository> to mirrors/perl, not github/perl
+=end original
+L<perlrepository> の Github ミラーのリンクを github/perl から
+mirrors/perl に更新しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a a minor error in L<perl5114delta.pod>.
+=end original
+L<perl5114delta.pod> の細かいミスを修正しました。
+=item * 
+=begin original
+We replaced a mention of the now-obsolete L<Switch.pm> with F<given>/F<when>.
+=end original
+今では非推奨になった L<Switch.pm> から F<given>/F<when> へ、
+=item *
+=begin original
+We improved documentation about F<$sitelibexp/sitecustomize.pl> in L<perlrun>.
+=end original
+L<perlrun> での F<$sitelibexp/sitecustomize.pl> に関する文書を
+=item * 
+=begin original
+We corrected L<perlmodlib.pod> which had unintentionally omitted a number of modules.
+=end original
+意図せずに L<perlmodlib.pod> から漏れた多くのモジュールを修正しました。
+=item * 
+=begin original
+We updated the documentation for 'require' in L<perlfunc.pod> relating to putting Perl code in @INC.
+=end original
+We updated the documentation for 'require' in L<perlfunc.pod> relating to putting Perl code in @INC.
+=item *
+=begin original
+We reinstated some erroneously-removed documentation about quotemeta in L<perlfunc>.
+=end original
+L<perlfunc> から間違って削除されたクォートメタに関する文書を復元しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed an F<a2p> example in L<perlutil.pod>.
+=end original
+L<perlutil.pod> での F<a2p> の例を修正しました。
+=item  *
+=begin original
+We filled in a blank in L<perlport.pod> with the release date of Perl 5.12.
+=end original
+L<perlport.pod> での Perl 5.12 のリリース日の空白を埋めました。
+=item  *
+=begin original
+We fixed broken links in a number of perldelta files.
+=end original
+多くの perldelta ファイルでの壊れたリンクを修正しました。
+=item * 
+=begin original
+The documentation for L<Carp.pm> incorrectly stated that the $Carp::Verbose
+variable makes cluck generate stack backtraces.
+=end original
+The documentation for L<Carp.pm> incorrectly stated that the $Carp::Verbose
+variable makes cluck generate stack backtraces.
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a number of typos in L<Pod::Functions>
+=end original
+L<Pod::Functions> での多くのタイプミスを修正しました。
+=item *
+=begin original
+We improved documentation of case-changing functions in L<perlfunc.pod>
+=end original
+We improved documentation of case-changing functions in L<perlfunc.pod>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We corrected L<perlgpl.pod> to contain the correct version of the GNU
+General Public License.
+=end original
+We corrected L<perlgpl.pod> to contain the correct version of the GNU
+General Public License.
+=head1 Testing
+=head2 Testing Improvements
+=item *
+=begin original
+F<t/op/sselect.t> is now less prone to clock jitter during timing checks
+on Windows.
+=end original
+F<t/op/sselect.t> is now less prone to clock jitter during timing checks
+on Windows.
+=begin original
+sleep() time on Win32 may be rounded down to multiple of
+the clock tick interval.
+=end original
+sleep() time on Win32 may be rounded down to multiple of
+the clock tick interval.
+=item *
+=begin original
+F<lib/blib.t> and F<lib/locale.t>: Fixes for test failures on Darwin/PPC
+=end original
+F<lib/blib.t> and F<lib/locale.t>: Fixes for test failures on Darwin/PPC
+=item *
+=begin original
+F<perl5db.t>: Fix for test failures when C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> is installed.
+=end original
+F<perl5db.t>: Fix for test failures when C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> is installed.
+=head1 Installation and Configuration Improvements
+=head2 Configuration improvements
+=item * 
+=begin original
+We updated F<INSTALL> with notes about how to deal with broken F<dbm.h>
+on OpenSUSE (and possibly other platforms)
+=end original
+We updated F<INSTALL> with notes about how to deal with broken F<dbm.h>
+on OpenSUSE (and possibly other platforms)
+=head1 Bug Fixes
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+A bug in how we process filetest operations could cause a segfault.
+Filetests don't always expect an op on the stack, so we now use
+TOPs only if we're sure that we're not stat'ing the _ filehandle.
+This is indicated by OPf_KIDS (as checked in ck_ftst).
+=end original
+A bug in how we process filetest operations could cause a segfault.
+Filetests don't always expect an op on the stack, so we now use
+TOPs only if we're sure that we're not stat'ing the _ filehandle.
+This is indicated by OPf_KIDS (as checked in ck_ftst).
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74542>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74542>
+=item *
+=begin original
+When deparsing a nextstate op that has both a change of package (relative
+to the previous nextstate) and a label, the package declaration is now
+emitted first, because it is syntactically impermissible for a label to
+prefix a package declaration.
+=end original
+When deparsing a nextstate op that has both a change of package (relative
+to the previous nextstate) and a label, the package declaration is now
+emitted first, because it is syntactically impermissible for a label to
+prefix a package declaration.
+=item * 
+=begin original
+XSUB.h now correctly redefines fgets under PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS
+=end original
+XSUB.h now correctly redefines fgets under PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=55049>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=55049>
+=item * 
+=begin original
+utf8::is_utf8 now respects GMAGIC (e.g. $1)
+=end original
+utf8::is_utf8 now respects GMAGIC (e.g. $1)
+=item * 
+=begin original
+XS code using C<fputc()> or C<fputs()>: on Windows could cause an error
+due to their arguments being swapped.
+=end original
+XS code using C<fputc()> or C<fputs()>: on Windows could cause an error
+due to their arguments being swapped.
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=72704>
+=end original
+L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=72704> ã‚‚
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a small bug in lex_stuff_pvn() that caused spurious syntax errors
+in an obscure situation.  It happened when stuffing was performed on the
+last line of a file and the line ended with a statement that lacked a
+terminating semicolon.  
+=end original
+We fixed a small bug in lex_stuff_pvn() that caused spurious syntax errors
+in an obscure situation.  It happened when stuffing was performed on the
+last line of a file and the line ended with a statement that lacked a
+terminating semicolon.  
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74006>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74006>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a bug that could cause \N{} constructs followed by a single . to
+be parsed incorrectly.
+=end original
+We fixed a bug that could cause \N{} constructs followed by a single . to
+be parsed incorrectly.
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74978>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74978>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a bug that caused when(scalar) without an argument not to be
+treated as a syntax error.
+=end original
+We fixed a bug that caused when(scalar) without an argument not to be
+treated as a syntax error.
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74114>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74114>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a regression in the handling of labels immediately before string
+evals that was introduced in Perl 5.12.0.
+=end original
+We fixed a regression in the handling of labels immediately before string
+evals that was introduced in Perl 5.12.0.
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74290>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74290>
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed a regression in case-insensitive matching of folded characters
+in regular expressions introduced in Perl 5.12.0.
+=end original
+We fixed a regression in case-insensitive matching of folded characters
+in regular expressions introduced in Perl 5.12.0.
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=72998>
+=end original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=72998>
+=head1 Platform Specific Notes
+=head2 HP-UX
+=item *
+=begin original
+Perl now allows -Duse64bitint without promoting to use64bitall on HP-UX
+=end original
+Perl now allows -Duse64bitint without promoting to use64bitall on HP-UX
+=head2 AIX
+=item * 
+=begin original
+Perl now builds on AIX 4.2
+=end original
+Perl を AIX 4.2 でビルドできるようになりました。
+=begin original
+The changes required work around AIX 4.2s' lack of support for IPv6,
+and limited support for POSIX C<sigaction()>.
+=end original
+The changes required work around AIX 4.2s' lack of support for IPv6,
+and limited support for POSIX C<sigaction()>.
+=head2 FreeBSD 7
+=item * 
+=begin original
+FreeBSD 7 no longer contains F</usr/bin/objformat>. At build time,
+Perl now skips the F<objformat> check for versions 7 and higher and
+assumes ELF.
+=end original
+FreeBSD 7 no longer contains F</usr/bin/objformat>. At build time,
+Perl now skips the F<objformat> check for versions 7 and higher and
+assumes ELF.
+=head2 VMS
+=item *
+=begin original
+It's now possible to build extensions on older (pre 7.3-2) VMS systems.
+=end original
+古い (7.3-2 以前の) VMS システムでエクステンションを
+=begin original
+DCL symbol length was limited to 1K up until about seven years or
+so ago, but there was no particularly deep reason to prevent those
+older systems from configuring and building Perl.
+=end original
+DCL symbol length was limited to 1K up until about seven years or
+so ago, but there was no particularly deep reason to prevent those
+older systems from configuring and building Perl.
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed the previously-broken C<-Uuseperlio> build on VMS.
+=end original
+以前は壊れていた VMS での C<-Uuseperlio> ビルドを修正しました。
+=begin original
+We were checking a variable that doesn't exist in the non-default
+case of disabling perlio.  Now we only look at it when it exists.
+=end original
+We were checking a variable that doesn't exist in the non-default
+case of disabling perlio.  Now we only look at it when it exists.
+=item *
+=begin original
+We fixed the -Uuseperlio command-line option in configure.com.
+=end original
+configure.com での -Uuseperlio コマンドラインオプションを修正しました。
+=begin original
+Formerly it only worked if you went through all the questions
+interactively and explicitly answered no.
+=end original
+=head1 Known Problems
+=item *
+=begin original
+C<List::Util::first> misbehaves in the presence of a lexical C<$_>
+(typically introduced by C<my $_> or implicitly by C<given>). The variable
+which gets set for each iteration is the package variable C<$_>, not the
+lexical C<$_>.
+=end original
+C<List::Util::first> は (典型的には C<my $_> や C<given> による)
+レキシカルな C<$_> の存在について振る舞いを間違えていました。
+each の反復で設定される変数はレキシカルな C<$_> ではなくパッケージ変数の
+C<$_> です。
+=begin original
+A similar issue may occur in other modules that provide functions which
+take a block as their first argument, like
+=end original
+    foo { ... $_ ...} list
+=begin original
+See also: L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=67694>
+=end original
+L<http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=67694> ã‚‚
+=item *
+=begin original
+C<Module::Load::Conditional> and C<version> have an unfortunate
+interaction which can cause C<CPANPLUS> to crash when it encounters
+an unparseable version string.  Upgrading to C<CPANPLUS> 0.9004 or
+C<Module::Load::Conditional> 0.38 from CPAN will resolve this issue.
+=end original
+C<Module::Load::Conditional> and C<version> have an unfortunate
+interaction which can cause C<CPANPLUS> to crash when it encounters
+an unparseable version string.  Upgrading to C<CPANPLUS> 0.9004 or
+C<Module::Load::Conditional> 0.38 from CPAN will resolve this issue.
+=head1 Acknowledgements
+=begin original
+Perl 5.12.1 represents approximately four weeks of development since
+Perl 5.12.0 and contains approximately 4,000 lines of changes
+across 142 files from 28 authors.
+=end original
+Perl 5.12.1 は、Perl 5.10.0 以降、28 人の作者によって、
+142 ファイルに対しておよそ 4000 行以上の変更を加えて、
+ほぼ 4 週間開発されてきました。
+=begin original
+Perl continues to flourish into its third decade thanks to a vibrant
+community of users and developers.  The following people are known to
+have contributed the improvements that became Perl 5.12.1:
+=end original
+Perl は、活気のあるユーザーと開発者のコミュニティのおかげで
+20 年を超えて繁栄しています。
+以下の人々が、Perl 5.12.1 になるための改良に貢献したことが
+Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Chris Williams, chromatic, Craig A. Berry,
+David Golden, Father Chrysostomos, Florian Ragwitz, Frank Wiegand,
+Gene Sullivan, Goro Fuji, H.Merijn Brand, James E Keenan, Jan Dubois,
+Jesse Vincent, Josh ben Jore, Karl Williamson, Leon Brocard, Michael
+Schwern, Nga Tang Chan, Nicholas Clark, Niko Tyni, Philippe Bruhat,
+Rafael Garcia-Suarez, Ricardo Signes, Steffen Mueller, Todd Rinaldo,
+Vincent Pit and Zefram.
+=head1 Reporting Bugs
+=begin original
+If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the articles
+recently posted to the comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup and the perl
+bug database at http://rt.perl.org/perlbug/ .  There may also be
+information at http://www.perl.org/ , the Perl Home Page.
+=end original
+もしバグと思われるものを見つけたら、comp.lang.perl.misc ニュースグループに
+最近投稿された記事や http://rt.perl.org/perlbug/ にある perl バグ
+Perl ホームページ、http://www.perl.org にも情報があります。
+=begin original
+If you believe you have an unreported bug, please run the B<perlbug>
+program included with your release.  Be sure to trim your bug down
+to a tiny but sufficient test case.  Your bug report, along with the
+output of C<perl -V>, will be sent off to perlb****@perl***** to be
+analysed by the Perl porting team.
+=end original
+B<perlbug> プログラムをを実行してください。
+意識してください。バグレポートは C<perl -V> の出力と一緒に
+perl****@perl***** に送られ Perl porting チームによって解析されます。
+=begin original
+If the bug you are reporting has security implications, which make it
+inappropriate to send to a publicly archived mailing list, then please send
+it to perl5****@perl*****. This points to a closed subscription
+unarchived mailing list, which includes all the core committers, who be able
+to help assess the impact of issues, figure out a resolution, and help
+co-ordinate the release of patches to mitigate or fix the problem across all
+platforms on which Perl is supported. Please only use this address for
+security issues in the Perl core, not for modules independently
+distributed on CPAN.
+=end original
+perl****@perl***** に送ってください。
+このアドレスは、問題の影響を評価し、解決法を見つけ、Perl が対応している
+このアドレスは、独自に CPAN で配布されているモジュールではなく、
+Perl コアのセキュリティ問題だけに使ってください。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+The F<Changes> file for an explanation of how to view exhaustive details
+on what changed.
+=end original
+変更点の完全な詳細を見る方法については F<Changes> ファイル。
+=begin original
+The F<INSTALL> file for how to build Perl.
+=end original
+Perl のビルド方法については F<INSTALL> ファイル。
+=begin original
+The F<README> file for general stuff.
+=end original
+一般的なことについては F<README> ファイル。
+=begin original
+The F<Artistic> and F<Copying> files for copyright information.
+=end original
+著作権情報については F<Artistic> 及び F<Copying> ファイル。

perldocjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内