[PeerCast-Listeners @ jp:#] Dark-haired Englishmen with hangdog looks.


Ville Kis Kissr****@chris*****
2007年 8月 15日 (水) 23:58:42 JST

T,h+i_s g,e_m is real'ly mo va*ble!! 
T'h'i-s o n'e is re-ally profita ble!-!! 

H-a+v-e y+o-u b*e e-n watchi n,g t h,i*s f*o-r t.h+e l.a-s-t w*e'e,k_? 

T+a*k-e a l*o_o'k at it:
rece nt n+e'w.s re lease-s s_e.n't gener_atin*g gro_wing in_teres.t in C-Y,T,V 

C_om-pany: CH INA YO-UTV C-O.R,P (-O_T.C BB:CYTV*.'OB) 

S t o c k:      C*Y.T'V 
Curren+t Pri*ce: $'.+4 9 
4't h Strai_'ght d a_y.s we h,a*v.e s+e+e.n t_h'i*s climb,. (.S_e-e Ya*hoo Cha.,rt-New N'e*w_s release,) 

T*h i-s o-n e h,a_s h-a-d n,i+c*e retur-ns f_o r inves_to-rs o,v+e+r t'h.e s*ummer, and
n,o-w show+s promis+e to beg*in a se cond w'a v*e of retu'rns. 

K*e_e*p a e_y_e o*u,t aga,in on W.edn esday A,u'g 1.5.... 

W*h+y+, I wro,te y*o*u twi ce to a's*k y,o+u w_h.a*t y-o_u co uld m e,a_n by S.i,d be'ing h e,r e+. 
In t_h.e V D,D t,h.i s w+ould h-a.v.e preven'+ted a n-y r eads or w*rites whil.e t h-e statu-s monit_ori.ng thre*ad w-a s wait.ing f+o,r a c o-m.m ev'ent. 
In Octo'ber 2000_, t+h_e Li'+brarian of C ong_ress w i l,l d.eclare c*ertain u-s+e.s of ce,rtain cla,sses of w_orks to be exemp+t f-r*o'm t*h_e a nticircu+mvention prov,isi-ons of Sec.tion 120-1(*a)(1). 
A*n d if t.h e l i n,e is a c_ommen*t, b-u.t it is n o_t r*ecogn-ized (a_cc_ording to 'co'm-ments') a matc.h m'a y be f'ound in it any'way. 
Cham'cha w,h*o h,a.s j_u s*t s-pent h+i_s ev.ening in t'h,e compa ny of a dist-r_aught Allel u ia Con-e, wit_hout feelin_g a flick.er of re,morse. 

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