[macemacsjp-english 765] Re: setting a font in .emacs


Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Wed Nov 22 19:42:16 JST 2006

Am 22.11.2006 um 06:12 schrieb xah lee:

> By system font, i meant those in /Library/Fonts/ or ~/Library/Fonts.
> btw, where is the actual font hiraginokaku located? Perhaps a lazy
> question, but i remember once i searched for it and couldn't find it
> in Emacs.app.

It is constructed in carbon-font.el as a fontset from a few fonts:

(defvar carbon-font-encode-family-list-hiraginokaku
   `((ascii . "monaco")
     (japanese-jisx0208 . "ヒラギノ角ゴ*")
     (katakana-jisx0201 . "ヒラギノ角ゴ*")
     (japanese-jisx0212 . "hiragino kaku gothic pro")
     (thai-tis620 . "ayuthaya")
     (chinese-gb2312 . ,(if (x-list-fonts "*华文细黑*") "华文 
细黑*" "华文黑体*"))
     (chinese-big5-1 . "儷黑*")
     (korean-ksc5601 . "applegothic*")))


   Pete     === -Q
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