[macemacsjp-english 748] Re: ls -v does not display correctly e acute


Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Wed Nov 8 07:36:28 JST 2006

Am 07.11.2006 um 21:42 schrieb Pierre Albarede:

> Probably we need even less, as shown above.

This might be sufficient:

     (require 'utf-8m)
     (require 'carbon-font)
     (set-default-coding-systems             'utf-8)
     (setq default-file-name-coding-system   'utf-8m)
     (setq file-name-coding-system           'utf-8m)         ;  
gesetzt in term/mac-win.el
     (prefer-coding-system                   'utf-8m)
;    (modify-coding-system-alist 'process "\\*shell\\*\\'"   'utf-8)

At least it works for me with all Carbon Emacsen 22.0.50, October  
version of Carbon Emacs package. And one of the next days I'll  
compile a Carbon Emacs 22.0.90.



"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

                                 George W. Bush

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