[macemacsjp-english 723] Re: Carbon Emacs Package (Nov. '06)


Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Thu Nov 2 22:27:55 JST 2006

Am 02.11.2006 um 14:01 schrieb Seiji Zenitani:

> Is 'TeXLive' correct?

Yes, that seems to be the right value. I haven't installed it yet,  
maybe later this month.

The installation routine records PATH in /etc/profile and /etc/ 
csh.login and MANPATH in /usr/share/misc/man.conf (or /etc/ 
manpath.config or Panther and before). Why is it necessary to record  
PATH in Elisp files? Is there no way to read-in /etc/profile or /etc/ 
csh.login? Can't getenv retrieve the environment in which Carbon  
Emacs is launching?

I know that some environment variables need to be set in ~/.MacOSX/ 
environment.plist for Carbon and Cocoa applications. Carbon Emacs, as  
one of them, has no better way to set itself up?



Who the fsck is "General Failure," and why is he reading my disk?

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