[macemacsjp-english 603] Re: 2006-06-16 Build and AUCTeX


Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Thu Jun 29 22:40:39 JST 2006


On 2006/06/27, at 4:06, Brian J. Lopes wrote:
> I have this so that I can use local elisp packages, as well as a line
> similar to this that points to the Carbon emacs elisp packages.  The
> reason for doing this is that I try to use the Apple installed emacs
> as my default editor.  In order for it not to complain, it needs to
> know where all these packages are installed so that it won't keep
> crashing while parsing my .emacs file.  Do you have any advice for me?

I'm not sure but the *Messages* buffer will provide good hints...

-- Seiji

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