[macemacsjp-english 777] emacs/latex problem


Roussanka Loukanova rlouk****@stp*****
Tue Dec 19 01:40:03 JST 2006

Hi everybody,

I had used very happily Carbon Emacs for latexing up to 2 weeks ago on a G4 
Powerbook and then on a MacBook Intel. Now, I have gotten a new replacement 
MacBook Pro, and have had to install everything again from scratch. I 
downloaded Seiji Zenitani's Carbon Emacs and Gerben Wierda's TeXLive-teTeX 
and got problems, which I did not have before. I hope you could help me with 
the trouble:

I am using quite often pstricks for drawing trees and diagrams, which do not 
work with pdflatex; they require running in success the three commands:
latex, dvips, ps2pdf (I've got all this working in TexShop, but Carbon Emacs 
has far more flexibility and with all of its functionality, I can't give it 

Latexing with pstricks used to work by default like a magic from within Carbon 
Emacs by Ctrl-c Ctrl-c which ran in one sweep in the background
<latex + dvips + ps2pdf>; another Ctrl-c Ctrl-c used to open the pdf file in 

Now, with the new installation, neither of the above works. I.e., what I do and 
get is as follows:

1. In the Emacs menu: Command -> Texing Options I switch off PDF Mode
by C-c C-t C-p (to get pstricks working in latex).

2. Then, Ctrl-c Ctrl-c runs latex successfully but without creating pdf, i.e. 
it does not get the sequence of commands: dvips + ps2pdf.

3. C-c C-c invokes as the default View command: <xdvi file.dvi>
(I do not like much xdvi, but even it does not work, apparently because I don't 
know how to get xdvi working; i.e., I do not know yet how to activate X11).

4. have put the line
(setq pdf-previewer-program "open -a Preview")
in the .emacs.

5. I've restarted the machine several times. But nothing fixes the problem.

How could I set up the Latex command to be <latex + dvips + ps2pdf>, and the 
default View command to open the pdf in Preview?

Roussanka Loukanova
Computational Linguistics
Dept. of Linguistics and Philology
URL:   http://stp.ling.uu.se/~rloukano/

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