[Linux-ha-jp] heartbeat-3.0.4 の設定


mlus mlus****@39596*****
2011年 9月 8日 (木) 13:40:31 JST

コヤマと申します。 heartbeat3.0.4の設定で、動作しないので、ご教授お願い致します。

host1                    ---    host2
eth0:          eth0:
/dev/ttyS1            ----     /dev/ttyS1


---- ha.cf -------------
logfile /var/log/ha-log
logfacility     local0
keepalive 2
deadtime 30
warntime 10
initdead 120
baud    19200
serial  /dev/ttyS1      # Linux
auto_failback off
node    fax1 fax2
respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail
apiauth ipfail gid=haclient uid=hacluster

--- haresource -----------
fax1 IPaddr:
fax1 MailTo::user1 @ localhost::ERRR_MAIL

 --- authkeys ---------
auth 2
2 crc

この設定で、起動しても、eth0:0 のアドレスが作成されません。

Sep 08 13:17:06 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: heartbeat: version 3.0.4
Sep 08 13:17:06 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Heartbeat generation: 1315446791
Sep 08 13:17:07 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: glib: Starting serial heartbeat
on tty /dev/ttyS1 (19200 baud)
Sep 08 13:17:07 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: glib: ping heartbeat started.
Sep 08 13:17:07 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Local status now set to: 'up'
Sep 08 13:17:07 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Link up.
Sep 08 13:17:07 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Status update for node status ping
Sep 08 13:17:10 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Link /dev/ttyS1 up.
Sep 08 13:17:10 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Status update for node
: status up
harc[12630]:    2011/09/08_13:17:10 info: Running /etc/ha.d//rc.d/status status
Sep 08 13:17:11 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Comm_now_up(): updating
status to active
Sep 08 13:17:11 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Local status now set to: 'active'
Sep 08 13:17:11 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Starting child client
"/usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail" (90,90)
Sep 08 13:17:11 fax1 heartbeat: [12648]: info: Starting
"/usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail" as uid 90  gid 90 (pid 12648)
Sep 08 13:17:12 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Status update for node
fax2: status active
harc[12651]:    2011/09/08_13:17:12 info: Running /etc/ha.d//rc.d/status status
Sep 08 13:17:17 fax1 ipfail: [12648]: info: Status update: Node fax2
now has status active
Sep 08 13:17:20 fax1 ipfail: [12648]: info: Asking other side for ping
node count.
Sep 08 13:17:23 fax1 ipfail: [12648]: info: No giveup timer to abort.
Sep 08 13:17:23 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: remote resource
transition completed.
Sep 08 13:17:23 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: remote resource
transition completed.
Sep 08 13:17:23 fax1 heartbeat: [12622]: info: Initial resource
acquisition complete (T_RESOURCES(us))
ResourceManager[12688]: 2011/09/08_13:17:23 ERROR: Cannot locate
resource script IPaddr
ResourceManager[12721]: 2011/09/08_13:17:23 ERROR: Cannot locate
resource script MailTo
Sep 08 13:17:23 fax1 heartbeat: [12669]: info: Local Resource
acquisition completed.
harc[12748]:    2011/09/08_13:17:23 info: Running
/etc/ha.d//rc.d/ip-request-resp ip-request-resp

リソースの、 IPaddr とか MailTo が 不明と言っているように取れるのですが、どう対処したものか判断つきかねます。




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