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2023-03-22 16:31

(0 人中 0 人がこのレビューが参考になったと答えています)
いつろうさんと同じ状態です。フォルダの指定ができない…。※解決しました。 設定→アプリと通知→くまぐす→ストレージ→データを削除かキャッシュを削除 あたりで、クリアできました。

2019-10-21 12:49
Kumagusu Loverさんによるレビュー

(1 人中 0 人がこのレビューが参考になったと答えています)
If you [a user] have had a problem with not being able to copy/move notes or if you [Tarshi] have hit the same problem, you will be able to fix it easily by being aware that the TITLE line in the note that is used to name the note is the cause of the problem. What you have to amend is the fact that if the TITLE line of text contains and INVALID DOS characters ( e.g. Comma [,] Forward or back slash (/ \) etc then when Kumagusu tries to copy or move a note with those invalid characters it will simply abort the copy/move and you will have an incomplete action. This glitch ONLY applies to the Title line, UTF8 etc applies to the rest of the note. To fix the problem with your notes, simply go through EACH note and remove any INVALID DOS characters from the title line and save you note, then do the same for each and every note in the entire document. NOTE: you only need to remove INVALID characters from the Title line of each note. i.e. DO NOT allow any Comma, pipe | Forward slash / Backslash \ Asterisk * Question mark ? etc in the Title line and everything will work fine. Again Tarshi, Thank you for creating such a wonderful app.
No Ads, No Unnecessary Permissions, No BS, it works, and it does it reasonably well, give or take a few minor glitches which can be ironed out.
Nothing major that I can think of, I have a few minor suggestions that would greatly enhance the usefulness of the app, If you would like to hear them then reply to this comment and I will share with you.

2017-03-10 19:36

(4 人中 3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと答えています)
デスクトップのTOMBOをスマホで使うためインストールしました。 MSゴシックフォントにて、罫線で表を書いているのですが、 固定幅にしても 崩れてしまいます。  ┌───────┬───────┬───────┐  │       │       │       │  ├───────┼───────┼───────┤  │       │       │       │  ├───────┼───────┼───────┤  │       │       │       │  └───────┴───────┴───────┘ どのようにつればよいでしょうか?