This release features easier extension with new doctypes
and styles via the new plug-in project mechanism, basic
DITA support, the ability to specify which style a document
should be shown with, and improved CSS support.
Bugfixes were made which improve performance and
correct cursor positioning in large documents.
Changes were made to move DTD and CSS files into
format-specific plugins (vex-docbook and
vex-xhtml). Additional examples are provided.
This release includes the ability to insert and
morph tags using only the keyboard, to edit
element attributes, and to show a simple document
outline. Loading large documents is also much
This release is now based on the Eclipse platform. It
supports DocBook 4.1.2, 4.2, 4.3, Simplified DocBook 1.0,
and XHTML 1.0 Strict out-of-the-box. Doctypes and styles
are now much easier to configure.
Vex now features a tabbed document interface and has undergone a general
UI cleanup. Also, the layout engine has been simplified and now supports
numbered lists, generated content, and inline element markers.