The --fixdate option was added, which causes
missing dates to be replaced with the current
date. The --template2=FILE|URL option was added,
which is the same as --template but repeats the
whole template for every single item. The
--pipe=CMD option was added to pipe the output for
a single item to the given command.
This release added PHP code that shows how the feeds collected by RSStool can be used in your own sites. All old versions of the ANSI SQL script structure were made selectable for backwards compatibility. --google-news[=SEARCH] generate RSS feeds from Google/News and removes Google redirects from the links (default: latest news). --google=SEARCH generates an RSS feed from a Google search. All hacks were updated or fixed. A --href option that outputs only the links as plain text was added. --parse=FILE|URL generates an RSS feed from a random HTML document. A --wget option uses wget for downloading. Some small bugfixes were made.
Some small fixes were made. Another small change
was made to the ANSI SQL structure, which should
greatly improve speed of searches. The --sqlold
option was added to output as ANSI SQL script (old
小さな変更は、Makefileの中で行われました。は- o = FILEオプションは、ファイルに出力します(デフォルト:stdout)に追加されました。 -プロパティのオプションは廃止されている。 -や小道具、図書館の代わりに使用される必要があります。ソート機能修正されました。
Minor bugfixes
A small change was made in the Makefile. A -o=FILE option that outputs into FILE was added (default: stdout). The --property option has been deprecated. --prop and -o should be used instead. The sort function was fixed.
The --troll option was added to generate RSS feeds
from the latest Slashdot trolls. Support for Atom
feeds was fixed (tested with v0.3 feeds). Memory
footprint was reduced.