This release fixes a pgrep/pkill crash, fixes "ps
sm" for single-threaded apps, and fixes a problem
with stale entries in the w program. A buffer
overflow was fixed. SCHED_BATCH is known to ps.
Terabytes of memory are supported. Documentation
for top's H option was written. Time stolen from a
virtual machine is displayed. Some miscellaneous
patches (which Linux vendors left in locked filing
cabinets with "beware of the leopard" signs) were
This release fixes some rare crashes, spelling
errors, %CPU display of threaded apps on 2 to 9
CPUs, and operation with 512+ CPUs. It also gives
"top" an "H" option for display of individual
This release adds UTF-8 support to ps, along with many minor enhancements and fixes. The FAQ has been updated. Those that ship the FAQ as part of a package (not suggested) should be sure to get a fresh copy. The 2.6.10 kernel, as well as the current pre-release versions, may be used to get correct %CPU data for multi-threaded processes.