State tax versions were added for New York and Massachusetts for 2010 taxes. The complete OTS v8.02 package now contains US1040 with schedules A, B, C, D, and L, as well as state versions for CA, NC, OH, NJ, VA, PA, NY, and MA. The GUI was further improved. A convenient results window now automatically pops up, displaying the results file. A file-browser button is added to forms that can import data from other forms.
これは2010年課税年度の最初のバージョンです。これは、スケジュールをのA、B、C、D、および新しい、今年のスケジュールと、US1040が含まれていますlのそれも更新が含まれ米国カリフォルニア州、バージニアオハイオ州、ノースカロライナ州、ニュージャージー州、およびPA用のバージョン。さらにいくつかの改善がGUIに行われた。マサチューセッツ州とニューヨークの更新はすぐに掲載されます。 Linuxのは、MS Windows、およびMac OS X用のコンパイル済みのバージョンは、ソースコードと一緒に、掲載された。
This is the initial version for the 2010 tax year. It contains US1040, with schedules A, B, C, D, and new this year, schedule L. It also contains updated versions for States CA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, and PA. Some further improvements were made to the GUI. Updates for MA and NY will be posted soon. Precompiled versions for Linux, MS Windows, and Mac OS X were posted, along with source code.
This update includes minor improvements to the printouts for the New York State Tax form. Stable versions of the US Federal 1040 and several other State forms are included as in previous versions.