This release includes a fix in line 42 of the US Federal 1040 program, as well as additional worksheet printouts. Some further improvements have been made to the GUI appearance, and additional comments have been added on the 1040 template form. The comments indicate which boxes on W-2 form the line values should come from.
このリリースには新しい 8849 フォームとスケジュール A、B、C、および D、フォーム 8829、US1040 が含まれます。また、カリフォルニア州、ニューヨーク、ペンシルベニア州、ニュージャージー州、ノース ・ カロライナ州、マサチューセッツ州、オハイオ州、バージニアの更新状態税バージョンが含まれます。プリコンパイル済みバージョンの Linux、MS Windows と Mac OS X は、ソース コードと共に転記されます。このバージョンには、出願の要件を追加のチェックと同様に良いワークシート範囲と印刷などのいくつかの改善が含まれています。
This release contains US1040, with schedules A, B, C, and D, form 8829, and the new 8849 forms. It also contains updated state tax versions for California, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virgina. Precompiled versions for Linux, MS Windows, and Mac OS X are posted, along with source code. This version includes several improvements such as better worksheet coverage and printouts, as well as additional checks for filing requirements.
This is a minor update on last year's (tax-year 2010) US 1040. It includes additional printouts in the Carry-over worksheet, and a fix on line 6 of Schedule-L. The new 2011 version of OTS for this year is undergoing testing and is expected to be released next week.
This update includes enhancements to the US-1040 Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) form 6251 with added comments on AMT worksheet lines 6-27. These changes will not affect many filers, but will be convenient for those with suitable situations.
This update adds Schedule-M calculations to the US-1040. It also includes a fix to the final line of NJ State form in the case of owed taxes. The OTS GUI now places quotes around filenames that contain spaces, so they are handled properly by the calculation routines.