This release added segment styles and highlighting, a machine translation feature, a last segment open feature, more document filters, Hungarian and Chinese localizations, and documentation and packaging changes.
Opening of projects was made faster. Toolbars were added. Search View query terms are highlighted in results. Messages View was added. Other minor improvements were made to functionality and user interface.
ドラッグアンドドロップをサポートする特定のテキストコンポーネントが追加されました。余計な、"検索"ボタンをクリック検索ビューから削除された/ウィンドウ。検索入力ボックスに固定されたMac OS Xの標準的な外観は、メニューバーのMac OS X上で欠けていたバグを与えられている。
Minor Release
Drag and drop support was added for certain text components. The superfluous "Search" button was removed from the Search View/Window. The search entry box has been given a standard look on Mac OS X. The bug in which the menubar was missing on Mac OS X was fixed.
New document filters were added for LateX/TeX and ResX formats. More default language segmentation rules were added: Catalan, Dutch, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish. A Search View was added inside the docking desktop, which lets you search without needing to open an extra window. The Search Window was redesigned with a streamlined appearance that is less cluttered and whose search results are easier to read. The project and exported translation memories now default to TMX version 1.4 for both level 1 and 2 TMX documents. Minor bugfixes, optimizations, and cleanup were made to the code. Documentation updates were made.
アプリケーションを保存していないセグメントの潜在的な損失を防ぐために、固定されたMac OS Xで確認ダイアログを終了します。クイックスタートのブラウザでチュートリアルの起動修正されました。検索ウィンドウの行方不明のショートカットキーを修正しました。英語のローカライズを更新しました。フランス語とスペイン語のローカライズを追加されました。ニーモニックを調整した。 Javaのダイアログプログラムのメモリ使用量などの情報を見るには追加されました。多くのコードをクリーンアップが行われました。ドキュメントの更新が行われた。
Minor bugfixes
The application quit confirmation dialog on Mac OS X was fixed to prevent potential loss of unsaved segments. The launch of the Quick Start tutorial in a browser was fixed. A missing shortcut key for the Search window was fixed. The English localization was updated. French and Spanish localizations were added. The mnemonics were adjusted. A Java dialog was added to show program memory usage and other information. More code cleanup was done. Documentation updates were made.