The rewritten database init mechanism makes it easier to install an initial repository and bring old ones up to date. A new binary release package format (tar) has been added on user request. This release includes a preview of the new system-documentation functionality.
This release of the Web user interface contains the usability improvements of BigSWAF 0.12, a domaintemplates wizard, and various new dialogs, e.g. for application subscriptions.
This release adds domain templates functionality
and an LDAP schema
change in preparation for the forthcoming 0.12
release of the Web
frontend BigClerk.
The famous last stability bug(tm) has been fixed. The new sophisticated host-assigned users functionality helps keep permission management under control for large server populations. The reference manual is more complete.
This release includes a conservatively revised
look as well as new functionality: the new class
hierarchy view allows to browse persons and hosts
by their class structure. A new "group membership"
dialog makes adding persons to groups easy.
Special object type specific functionality is now
directly accessible via the context menu of the
main window.