



注: プロジェクトリソースの情報は Freecode.com ページからの引用です。ダウンロードそのものは、OSDNにホスティングされているものではありません。

2011-07-19 06:32

タグ: Stable, Minor
This is a bugfix release due to a critical bug causing problems in concurrent editing of projects using shared labels. It adds an operation for users deletion, solves an issue with printing translation, doesn't show the default password warnings if an account is disabled, and fixes an issue with the Sigmoid function if there is consolidated progress.

2011-06-07 23:43

タグ: Minor, Stable
This is the first minor version for the 1.1.x cycle with lots of bugfixes. Several memory leaks were fixed, which will make the application use less memory now. The log system configuration was improved. A translation issue with some strings in the Gantt view was solved. Some bugs moving tasks due to new dependencies were resolved.

2011-05-19 21:36

多くのバグ修正とは別に、主な特長は、この新しいメジャーバージョンに記載されている:カレンダーの割り当て制御をサポートし、強制階層の基準は、新しい一般的な割り当​​てアルゴリズムは、新しいプロジェクトスケジュールウィンドウの機能は、デフォルトのパスワード変更通知プロトコル、分精度との割り当てをウィンドウには、制限のリソース新しい挿入アルゴリズム、カレンダーのインターフェイスは、WBS画面と、改造。 WebKitベースのブラウザの問題は、印刷の問題と一緒に修正されました。
タグ: Stable, Major
Apart from many bugfixes, the main features included in this new major version are: over allocation control support, enforced hierarchical criteria, a new generic allocation algorithm, new project scheduling window features, a default password change notification protocol, minute accuracy in calendars and allocation windows, a limiting resources new insertion algorithm, a calendar interface revamp, and a WBS screen. A problem with WebKit-based browsers was fixed along with issues in printing.

2011-04-27 21:48

タグ: Stable, Minor
This is a minor version in the stable branch due to several important bugs detected during 1.1 stabilization. Most importantly, problems when tasks with zero hours are in critical path were fixed. Feedback to the user was improved when some error happens (by adding an exception stacktrace). Issues removing entities related with others were solved. Sorting problems in resources load chart were fixed. Creation of duplicate quality forms in tasks was avoided.

2011-04-09 07:07

タグ: Minor, Stable
This is the last bugfix version for the 1.0.x cycle. Like in previous releases, it includes all the fixes made in the stable branch since 1.0.4. It resolves a critical issue related to zero hours in resource allocations. It solves an important bug with regard to an infinite loop with zero hours in calendars. It fixes more issues manipulating the tasks tree (WBS).
