いくつかのこのバージョンを修正バグの libwlocate、Android のポートを含むいくつかの一般的なコードの整理とを使用して、ドメインのサーバー アクセス今、固定 ip アドレスの代わりに。
This version fixes several bugs in the Android port of libwlocate, contains some general code cleanups, and makes use of a domain for server access now instead of a fixed IP.
libwlocate and the LocDemo application were ported to Android, allowing the default Android geolocation services to be replaced by a variant with better privacy.
This version contains a tool for recording WLAN information. This information can be loaded in LocDemo later to trace the positions that belong to the stored data.
This version now offers support for zooming into and out of the displayed map. A bug related to the accuracy of the result has been fixed and the RPM packages have been updated to be used with Fedora 14.