Support for downloading files solicited by the
attacker was added. IP-Country was upgraded to
2.21. A bug regarding amd64/fc5 was fixed. A bug
in ZopeInterface-3.0.1 that prevents compilation
on amd64 was fixed. The username and password file
was updated from 42 combinations to 23752. Other
minor fixes were made. A bug in which Nmap
recognizes Kojoney as a honeypot was fixed.
The "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation"
error when calling kip2country with an IP address
whose country is unknown was corrected. The
installation script was changed because vital
libraries were added to the main package. A small
change was made to to address a
currently known bug.
Corrections were made to the install and uninstall
scripts and to the reporting tools. Support was
added for getting the full name of a country from
the IP address, not only the two-letter
abbreviation. The reporting tool "kojsession" was
added to generate a report of a specified session.
The reporting tool "kojhumans" was added to detect
whether intruders were humans or bots. More
"popular" username and password combinations were