Infobright Community Edition(ICE)はMySQL上に構成されている分析用途に適したデータベースで、大容量のデータに対して非常に高速に検索できるように設計されています。自動チューニング機能を持ち、インデックスやデータパーティションを必要とせず、データベースの維持管理も極めて容易なカラム指向のデータベースです。
This is a maintenance release focusing on issues found during the DML performance improvement work, and product changes for interoperability with the MicroStrategy Business Intelligence Platform. Infobright recommends that any customer making significant use of DML in the product should upgrade to this release. The issues are difficult issues to encounter, and have been present since the release of full DML functionality in IEE 3.0 on September 15th, 2008. However, Infobright still recommends this upgrade to DML users.