The major changes in this release are scalability-
related. Gherkin can now handle queuing 24 class B
networks at once. Some bugs were fixed and logging
was improved.
Hosts can optionally be probed to determine
reachability before being scanned. A config
option was added for handling the action taken
when nmap scans return no ports. The 'kill'
command now kills and aborts running scans, and
a new 'stop' command that waits for running
scans to finish was added. Some warnings were
fixed, logging was improved, a bug with address
enumeration within ranges was fixed, and the
input file in parse_nmap_output is now closed.
Ranges can now include addresses with 255s and
0s in the second, third, and fourth octets. The
nessus_scripts_id_seq sequence was also removed.
New search functionality, a new ability to move netgroups, ranges, and addresses, some bugfixes, performance enhancements, and minor aesthetic changes.
The leap was made from using networks to group addresses to the much more flexible netgroups. Network discovery was removed. A new command-line script was created, and functionality was segregated across the three. Database support for etherpickle was added. Address records are now created only for addresses that have been successfully scanned, rather than for every address. The log output of command-line tools was changed to stderr. Various Web interface changes were made. A PNG of the erd was added for reference. nessus_import_scripts was fixed to accomodate for script_name() .nasl syntax.
This release added auto-specification of the location of Perl for CGI scripts. HTML newline escaping was removed from console output.
Null network comments now work, --list-networks was changed to --list-networks-hosts, and a version of --list-networks that doesn't show how many hosts have been scanned per net was added as a quick network list. A bug where single address scans weren't generating or displaying output was fixed.