chromium-browser was added to browsers. thunar was added to file-Managers. dolphin and konqueror were moved to file-Managers. psi was added to messaging. kstreamripper was added to multimedia. bless and mousepad were added to editors. evince was added to viewers. VirtualBox was added to emulators.
Iceowl was added to work. Medit was added to editors. Audacious and Audacious2 were added to multimedia. Iceweasel and Dolphin were added to browsers. Eclipse was added to development. Many games were added. The OpenOffice menu entry was fixed.
Enlightenment 0.16 support has been added. icedove has been added to mail. Pidgin has been added to messaging. KMix and VLC have been added to multimedia. Audacity has been added to music. QCad has been added to graphics.