Genit creates a sitemap.xml file. It puts nicer error messages. It puts a warning message when a here tag is used without its counterpart. The version is added to the .genit file.
You can add news to your site with ease. The tag 'var' does not exist anymore. It is replaced by the two-part tag 'here' & 'what'. Put your public files (photo, text, PDF, etc.) in the 'public' folder. Put your JavaScript in the 'scripts' folder. Relative links should be written relative to the root (the index.hmtl file). There is a new '--empty' switch for the 'create' command. There is a new '--doctype' option for the 'create' command. This release fixes bug #38: named anchor crashes the compiler.
You can now pass string variables from a page to the template. Pages can be organized into subfolders. A bug where the CLI option -v crashed was fixed.