PNG files are now also handled. The generated code now conforms to XHTML 1.0 strict. Some layout was added or moved to the CSS. A black image border is now added via CSS instead of directly to the image, which speeds up thumbnail generation. Command line options were added for overriding default title and subdir names. The usual "verbose", "quiet", "help", and "version" options were added. All command line options are entirely optional, so the easy "run and be done" way still works. Thumbnail and slide dimensions can be adjusted (also via command line options). Many bugs were fixed. The license was changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3.
Images will be sorted alphabetically. Spaces in filenames will be processed now. Spaces are not allowed in URLs (according to the RFC), and thus spaces will be converted to underscores in the generated pages. There is more verbose output, and the verbosity can be adjusted. This release will check to see if all tools are there before it starts.