This version adds the ability to handle the mpd music player and xmms. A client/server system was added to handle CLFSWM remotely or with scripts. CLFSWM can now run another window manager while running.
This version adds a generic mode to define all other modes, a fix to correctly manage fullscreen windows (SDL particularly), some speed-up to display windows, some new layouts and maximize functions, and some placement functions to display info windows and second mode windows in reconfigurable positions. Clozure Common Lisp (CCL) support was also added.
This version adds colors in help windows and
menus. A simple way to configure corner actions
was added. The ability to raise or lower and hide
or unhide a child was added. A new GIMP layout was
added. A fast layout switch method was added. A
method to switch to the last child was added. Each
frame can have a different focus policy.
This version is a major update of the CLFSWM concept: there is no more reference to workspaces. CLFSWM is a tree of frames and windows. A frame can contain some windows or some other frames with a different layout (tile, tile left, etc.). There is no more need for the pager: you are in the pager. Just enter in a frame to make it fullscreen maximized and zoom its contents.