UIの再設計されました。このリリースにはMac OS X、Linux、およびWindows XPをサポートしています。ボイスオーバーIP(SIP)の上で電話機能は、XP上でこのリリースではサポートされます。
Minor feature enhancements
The UI was redesigned. This release supports Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows XP. The Voice over IP (SIP) phone feature is supported only on XP in this release.
This release adds a Mobile/J2ME client for session-based chat from any J2ME device. The client has been tested on the Palm Treo 650 smartphone with GPRS service. The client requires Arsenal Server 1.4.
This release adds SIP (RFC 3261) to support PC-PC phone
calls. It integrates the NIST SIP Proxy/Registrar server and
the Java.net SIP communicator (phone) for voice over IP
one Arsenal client to another.
This release supports two types of audio alerts: user
initiated, where the user can send audio alerts to other
users, and system events, where there are audio alerts on
login, logout, chat messages, and the entering or exiting of a